I love doing the 10 on the 10th it’s fun and a great way for you all to get to know me. I heard somewhere the other day to lean more into your strengths. My strength is writing not video and I need to be ok with that because people do read and there is an audience for that. Anywhoo of course I always want to accomplish things every new year and this year here are 10 things I want to learn.
- I want to complete my project 365. Project 365 is where I take a picture daily for the year and post it somewhere. I usually do them every other year and this year I’m back.
- Learn food Photography. I eat an it’s a challenge to take good food pics. I want to get into that this year. I will start with the food I throw away weekly or that have gone bad an try my hand at taking some nice pics
- Get under 200 pounds. I won’t say how fat I am and yes I’m fat or obese as they call it but I want to get under 200 pounds this year. I just gotta put this cookie down first
- I want to start my book. I have one already. I need to take it and redo it correctly and put it out.
- Get back to reading. I’m hoping I can do one book a month
- Networking more. I admit I’m a homebody and a carbody (I live in my car because I gotta take my daughter to so many places) and I have no time to network for my business. I need to go to one event a month.
- I want to learn how to bake from scratch. I can cook but baking just seems so exact and if you mess one thing up…that baked good is a goner.
- I want to go to a state I’ve never been to before. I’ve been to most all the states up and down the east coast but maybe go a little out west (united states)
- I would love to finally put all my pictures that I have into a digital format. I was going through them the other day and would like to put them somewhere that’s not just in an album.
- I want to redo my backyard. It’s so expensive right now it looks ok but there are a few changes I would like to make including getting me a nice grill.
There you have it. Which 5 do you think I will accomplish?
The Comments
Marsha Banks
Oh, you have some tough ones here, Kita! I am so not good at taking photos…just ask my youngest about his baby book (he doesn’t have one). I’m so very impressed you are writing a second book. I always thought I’d write the Great American Novel, but I don’t see that happening. It’s funny you say baking is so exact. I feel like cooking is much more difficult. I would invite you to Indiana…but, it’s the most boring state!
Thanks for playing along again, and Happy New Year!