Everyone's a photographer! how can I stand out?

Everyone’s a photographer! how can I stand out?

These days everyone is a photographer or at least tries to be. With that camera phone becoming more and more handy as the everyday camera it’s hard for real photographers to stand out or book clients. A lot of photographers who did this work full-time are now having to get a 2nd job or go back to full time work. Uncle Johnny can whip out his camera and take the photos, or your younger cousin can use her point-and-shoot and take the fab pics you want. Basically, if you have an Instagram you are a photographer or videographer. Everyone’s a photographer! How can I stand out? Let me tell you how I stand out from the crowd. (note I am not and will never be a full-time photographer. Number 1 reason I never want the love of photography to leave me by making it a business where it’s all business and no fun)

Blogging – it’s the best way for me to stand out. Why? No one blogs anymore and since everyone else takes over on Instagram or tik tok I like to take over by being on the SEO streets and google (which AI is taking over slowly but we won’t let us get that down) I have a blog for most of the questions people ask when it comes to my photography and even some of my life things. Blogging is a stand out way to get the attention of others who may be searching for something specific.

Make it easy for people to book you – I don’t have a fancy calendar and I don’t make it hard. A simple email is all I require and I work around your schedule not you having to work around mind. Here is my secret. I tell clients to pick 3 dates and times that work for them (putting them first in handling scheduling) and then I coordinate. I will find a time that works for us all out of those 3 dates and times.

Carry a camera around with you – I have gotten so many clients by just having my camera out with me at events or even a reg dinner. I rarely use my cell phone to take pictures. If I’m out to dinner with my family which I was the other day (pics below) I will whip out my big boy (I’m looking for a smaller pocket camera) and take pictures. This sets me apart from everyone else with their cell and most of the time I’m stopped and asked are you a photographer. (I got a huge client this way I was out to dinner in Charleston and was asked to take a family photo one of the people in the photo worked for a local magazine and I ended up doing some work for her for the tourism division of Columbia, SC)

Tell your story – I told mine on a blog post on why I got into photography. People connect with people…share your story and share it often.

Offer more – Most new clients don’t know I offer a small video with all of my photoshoots. (now you do lol) it’s usually a surprise that I don’t talk about initially and will send it to you edited as an extra bonus. Go above and beyond…it pays.

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