Write for Yourself: A Guide to Launching a Non-Commercial Blog

Write for Yourself: A Guide to Launching a Non-Commercial Blog

I’ve been blogging for over 15 years now (started in November of 2010). I can’t believe I’ve been in this space for that long. I got into blogging to have a voice. To speak my mind and help others not make the same mistakes that I’ve made. I’m here to help you save time and money with a sense of humor. In reality, blogging has gone down it’s not the same. I asked last week on my Instagram if folks still read blogs and the answer was 75% don’t read blogs but here is the kicker…folks are still blogging and heavily. I see it in my Feedbin weekly. People are still blogging and writing on their blogs even though they are on Instagram. Someone said in my messages that they didn’t feel the need to start a blog if you aren’t going to make money and that I should probably quit if I’m not making any. That got me thinking what if some of you are on the fence about starting a blog because people say there is no need to start one if you aren’t going to make money? Lies and don’t let people stop you from doing something you may truly love. Here is how to Write for Yourself: A Guide to Launching a Non-Commercial Blog.

It’s an online diary. I know many of us have had diaries in the past. I know I did and most of the things in my diary I realize are the same things others are going through. Why not create a space where you can meet like-minded people who may be going through something similar? That’s how people relate and gain lifelong friendships. It starts off with something mutual then grows into something huge. I met one of my good friends by just discussing how we lost our mom. We both had something in common and it grew from that. We would never have met each other if I never wrote a post about losing my mom. You don’t have to put your business out there but you can talk about things that can help others.

Make it a starter for something bigger. You can get into blogging and then from there go into what you want to do. Many bloggers started just like me who don’t even blog anymore but they have collaborations with Target or they started their own product-based business. You can start a fashion blog and then start your own styling company from that blog because you have gained trusted people who love who you are.

Start a blog and turn it into a book. I did this (I won’t share the book it’s horrible) I started my blog and turned some of the blog posts into a mini ebook and got a few coins. It wasn’t well written nor did I have someone go over it and check for grammatical errors but I thought it was good to me and I made about 1k from it. This is an easy way to see if your book will sell. If people comment and share your blog posts then you know they will buy your book.

You love to write. It’s as simple as that. Some people love to write and need that outlet. Be a voice this can lead to writing positions with other companies or you can even become a ghostwriter for others. This can also lead to you opening your writing services or just to make someone’s day. Writing can be a great hobby just to put your thoughts on paper. You can even talk about current the news. People would love to hear your thoughts on Covid or what’s going on with stocks. Use your voice to help someone with tips and tricks.

Also if you write you stand out from the crowd. Everyone else is doing tik tok and reels…you can be the written word. Do things that not everyone isn’t doing. Old-school SEO still works (for now).

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