I love affiliate marketing. It’s a great way to make some money online without waiting on brands. There are many sites that offer affiliate marketing. I will share my favorites that I use and give you an example of how I use them. I don’t make a lot if I’m being honest. I don’t promote like I should which is my bad but if you promote right you can make over $500 a month. I make about $250 to $300 and I do not promote at all. So if you promote you can make bank!
I don’t wait on brands to hire me. I don’t want to follow their rules because I’m a bad ass and I don’t have time to do things based on how they want and not stay true to myself. I know my audience, how I speak, and how I want to promote. Affiliate marketing is key to this. One of my favorite bloggers who makes money using affiliate links is Lou here in Atlanta.
My favorite companies to use is
Shareasale (they have great things)
Amazon (they will kick you off if no one buys anything so promote this one the most)
Commission Junction (I don’t use them as much as I should)
Howl Affiliate (this is a new one that I love)
I don’t use Like it to Know I think this one is geared more toward fashion and home decor bloggers/influencers but I am on there.
Here is an example of how I use it. I mentioned all of my favorite companies. The ShareASale link above is my affiliate link. If you sign up I get a few coins. I just share a link and if you buy or sign up I get paid. It’s not that much but a few dollars do add up. Always put a link in your blog posts or on your social media pages (bios or story highlights). If you are cooking with a pot use an affiliate from Amazon to link it. Always find companies that you love, wear, or buy and link them in everything you do.
This post contains affiliate links.
The Comments
Diary of a Reluctant Walmart+ User: Did It Win Me Over? - Kita Bryant
[…] benefits but I was like chile y’all paid to say that I’m not (although there may be an affiliate in here it’s not an influencer type gig for me because I am not here to tell y’all what […]
My favorite pair of shoes - Kita Bryant
[…] Some links contain affiliates […]
Your newsletter can become a revenue stream - Kita Bryant
[…] Affiliate links. and being able to sell your products or services to others directly. The people who sign up for your newsletter will click your links. They signed up because they like you. Those are the people who want to keep up with you and if they like you they will buy whatever it is you sell. Build by not only taking but giving too. Your newsletter should give just as much as you take. A $10 gift card to 2 lucky newsletter winners won’t hurt you to throw in once a month. Or offer your services to someone who signed up. Pay attention to your newsletter subscribers because they take the time to sign up and open your things. Social media is cute but it can shut you down anytime. You know what won’t shut down? Your newsletter (unless you do it yourself) […]