If you are new around here I own a t-shirt company and I do photography over here. Before I did all that I was an influencer. Yes the ones who worked with companies to get money. I have worked with big brands….United Healthcare (side eye to them), Hyatt, Disney, Lane Bryant, etc. and I did all the things like videos and social media. I got burnt out and I got old..I prefer to let the young kids have at it. These days I just blog, take photos for clients, and run my t-shirt stuff. When I started my business I got a lot of advice. Some I took and some I didn’t take. Everyone will have an opinion on what you should and should not do but at the end of the day it’s your business and you have to do what works for you. So I wanted to share some business advice I didn’t take in hopes that it helps you. I also got this idea from one of my other favorite bloggers who did her pieces of bad business advice.
Kita you need to niche down,
I got this a lot. Are you a mom blogger, or a foodie, who are you? To this I say I am the niche. No one is like me and my blog and social media is a reflection of me and what I like. I try to give a good mix but it’s hard for me to niche down. Even in photography…I am known for family photography but I also do brand photos, engagements, and seniors. I am glad I didn’t niche down because people buy from me. I am the brand and if folks like me they will buy from me. So I try to find like-minded folks and that is who I’m niched for.
Stop doing things for free.
No one will buy from you if you do free stuff all the time. Free stuff has helped me build my portfolio to what it is today. I don’t mind doing free things as long as we both benefit but I have no problems helping a small business out. It helps me to help them. If people don’t even want the free product then you may not have a viable business. I am still giving away free shirts on my other business until I have built up enough buzz about it.
You gotta get up in the mornings at 4am/5am to get things done.
Nope, I’m a night owl and will always be one. I prefer the nights because everyone is usually sleeping and done for the day. Mornings folks are waking up and getting started and with emails, and a whole list of things to do for the day it can make my mornings seem extra long. At night everything is done for the day that I have to do so now I get to things I want to do.
Fake it til you make it.
I don’t know if I love this advice. It could be bad and then on the other hand it could be good. I believe in at least knowing you can do something than pretending that you can. You want to build trust and I understand you may want to do things and say yes to it all but know your limits. If someone asks me to do a photoshoot on food…I will say while I can work a camera I am not comfortable doing food but I will do it for free (tell them what you are willing to do for free don’t let them tell you) to see if I can do it and if you like it we can go from there. I will say to always learn that way if the opportunity presents itself you are ready to go.
Don’t worry about your competition.
Hell yes you need to worry about them. Not in the sense of jealousy or anything but you need to know what they are doing and what you can improve on. I will buy and work with others just to see what I can do better. Worry about your competition and study them but then take what they aren’t doing and make it work for you.
Follow your passion and the money will follow.
My son has a passion for rapping to me he can’t rap (I’m honest with my kids). If he was good he would be signed and discovered, especially in this day of social media. Just because you have a passion for it doesn’t mean that you can make money from it. It’s something you love but to make money others have to love it. You can have a passion for cooking but if folks don’t like your food how will you make money? I say follow the money or at least meet in the middle where you can add a little passion but make it make cents. My son loves rapping but how about he does writing or putting beats together instead…he can still be in the same arena but work it so that everything aligns with what the market needs.