I wanted to hire someone to help me come up with ideas for my business that is unique to just my business. Couldn’t find that so I created a business that does that. I do have a Bachelor’s in Marketing, I have worked for a Huge marketing firm on the social media side, and I love to write. So I decided to offer this service to others. You pay me weekly to help you come up with content, words, and ideas to help promote your business. Here are some quick content ideas that you can use for your business.
Motivational quotes – I reword quotes all the time and make it my own. Use some of the sayings my mom and grandma used to say and just be real. Being real and life will give you enough quotes to help somebody out. Make it fit your brand and do a cute graphic to go with it.
A helpful article with tips – you can use another article and put the link in your stories and then do a post about it but make sure it relates to your business. For example…I own a t-shirt company a helpful article would be about how I use dropshipping companies to send my t-shirts out. I would create 2 quick tips about dropshipping and then direct folks to my newsletter to hear more tips (a great way to get people to sign up for more)
A game – Who doesn’t like a game? Do a family feud type of game for your audience that fits your brand. Play bingo with your audience. Do a guessing game and give away prizes. Have fun and the prizes don’t have to be a lot $5 for coffee or a latte.
Create a FAQ post – Create a list of the frequently asked questions and publish it on your blog or Instagram and pin the Instagram.
Describe the founder – give a little back story on who you are. People buy from people. If they connect with you on any level you have a customer for life

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How to build a brand as an introvert - Kita Bryant
[…] but my strengths are customer service and marketing behind the scenes. I’m confident in my business, smart AF, and my products and services are the shat. I show up as that and let that part of me […]