I have to work my daytime job this Thanksgiving so I’m not off. Every year I stress about what to eat. This year I’m going to do things a little differently. I’m going to get my paper plates and foil paper ready and call everyone to go to their house to pick my dishes up. Simple right? What if you don’t have anyones house to go to? That’s the hard part. I am thankful I can stop by a few friend’s houses but if you have no family in town it can get lonely and overwhelming. It can also be expensive as hell the way these grocery prices are going up. I can’t do anything about the prices of groceries but I can give you a few tips on how to make your holiday a stress-free one at least when it comes to food.
- Cater – I tried that a couple of years and the food here in Atlanta sucks. If you know a trusted person who can cook order that and save yourself some time and maybe some money depending on what you get for the price.
- Order your meat from ButcherBox. I don’t trust many online places to order meat but I trust them. They deliver the best quality meats to your door so you don’t have to fight anyone in the store. Purdue is another company that I like for meats too if you want to go the chicken route this Thanksgiving
- Share the cooking with someone else. Times are tough so let everyone bring one dish and everyone share like a potluck but only with your family or friends and make sure they pick a dish they know they can cook. That way one person isn’t responsible for the entire meal and it saves some coins
- Relax. Nothing is wrong with having a simple tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich for the holidays. Especially if you are stressed about money. Nothing wrong with that at all.
- Volunteer if you can. Having no family nearby can be difficult but you can create your own family and volunteer for a shelter or a nursing home. They can use your help and you might find some good cheer to make you smile.
No matter what you choose for the holiday always do what feels good to you. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?
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