How did I allow myself to be scammed

How did I allow myself to be scammed

Myliek had an interesting conversation the other day about scammers. She said a conversation needs to be had about how we allow ourselves to be misled and duped. It isn’t about blaming the people who deceive us but understanding how and why we are deceived. Is it fear, desires, social media, etc. that makes us vulnerable to deception? So I am going to talk about how did I allow myself to be scammed and ways you can try to avoid being scammed.

I think I’m smart and can spot a scam a mile away. Remember Prime America? Scam…sorry I don’t care if you don’t agree. I got duped into getting on with them because I wanted to make quick fast money and didn’t want to do the work. That is why I was duped years ago…trying to find the easy way out. Doing something without the work to do it.

Scammers can come in all shapes…most of the time if they are always selling something is up with them. Your work should speak for itself. If you are good you don’t have to always sell. I’m not saying dont’ market at all you have to but 5 times a day is overkill and no one wants all those emails. I will block you if I get too many emails. Scammers can be influencers who are paid to sell you something and you pay your money to do the same thing and it’s not the same. Remember influencers are paid and companies will set things up just for them and make them feel extra special with customer service because they have an image to uphold. I remember a lady who was marketing a spot in Charleston and I went. Roaches everywhere I had a time getting my money back. I pay no attention to influencers unless I know them personally or if they recommend something small that knocked it out the park…then I will know I can trust their word on things.

Scammers can come in the form of someone telling you a sob story. I stopped giving money years ago. If someone says they can’t buy food I will give them a store gift card or meet them at the store. Most of the time they bow out because they were scamming me for the cash and they don’t ask again. I always look at the whole picture. If you have parents still living or siblings and you out here struggling I’m going to think it’s you… and side eye you.

Insecurities and desperation are why people are scammed and it takes a real look in the mirror to recognize that.

How to avoid some scams

Make sure their business matches everywhere. If they have a Gmail…I normally don’t take the business seriously. Sometimes……it depends on factors.

Referrals can be bought or people can make them up. Look at their comments on social to see if anyone says anything under their Instagram post. If it’s silent and not one person says anything…something is up

Never give money up front without something in return. I fell for this 2 years ago. I paid someone for something and she didn’t do the work. I got my money back by filing a dispute but I will never give money without something tangible up front. I as a photographer don’t even take deposits because you don’t have anything yet. If you need to reschedule just say that but I don’t take any coins unless I deliver something even if it’s an unedited photo.

If you receive an unexpected offer, whether it’s a prize, a job, or a deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Never provide personal information unless you’re absolutely sure of the source.

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