interesting questions for a side hustler

interesting questions for a side hustler

I like like to say I have a lucrative hobby but side hustle works too. I saw this post and decided to take a stab at it and answer some of these questions.

  1. Would you rather get 1 million dollars or 1 million followers on your favorite social media platform? I’ll take the million dollars I ain’t even social like that I could care less about social media.
  2. Would you rather earn 6 figures a year as a famous influencer or as an anonymous author? I like anonymous most people don’t even know I’m a photographer and I love being behind the scenes. Once you let folks in you can’t be mad when they try to tell you about your life…you allowed them in there.
  3. Would you rather have 1,000 clients that pay you $50 a month or 10 clients that pay you $5,000 a month? Less headache with he 10 clients…
  4. Would you rather have location freedom or time freedom? Location freedom. I love working from home (I hope this is what this means) I don’t mind a time frame to work as long as I know it ahead of time and can schedule around it give me my house to work
  5. Would you rather make money from designs or words? Words it’s why writing has always been my go to even in down times
  6. Would you rather do 10% more work to make 10% more or do 10% less work to make 10% less? I’m a workaholic so I don’t mind working more as long as that pay matches
  7. Would you rather work 40 hours a week for someone else or 60 hours a week for yourself assuming the income was the same? I always like working for myself better and it’s not work if I love it.
  8. Would you rather work from home or from an office? home…y’all can have that office with the fakeness and the gas and the traffic
  9. Would you rather run a business from your phone or from a laptop? The laptop I’m old how y’all do so much from y’all phone is beyond me and I have a big ass phone. I need to be able to type faster and see what I’m doing.
  10. Would you rather outsource all the work or do all the work (no in-between)? I like my hands on it so I’ll have to do all the work. No one is me and that is what makes my business stand out from the rest.

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