It’s Finally August and I’m sad because school started for us and I miss the Summer already. Now I gotta live in a car again for the next whatever months they in school. I’m in my car more than I am in my home but we roll out just the same. If you missed our last It’s Finally Friday post make sure you check it out here. Doing these blog posts brings back memories of the old days when blogging was fun and simple, so I wanted to bring a little of that back. Let’s get into today’s Friday post where we talk about Amazon being a ….Doctor of some sort Lawd….

I saw that Amazon has a clinic now. I didn’t even know…well, I figured they would try to get into the medical field but when did they start offering this service? I must have been under a rock. Would you go to Walmart to get treated? Maybe some of you would but I don’t know it’s giving that. I prefer my regular doctor to have virtual visits (which they do thanks Kaiser) so I wouldn’t use this service but I think it’s needed for some minor things and it’s convenient. It takes the pressure off some folks who have no insurance or need to get in touch with a doctor quickly. Amazon is trying to take over funny they should have bought twitter but anywhoo would you use their services?
Top 3….
Favorite cookies…(in honor of National Chocolate chip Day)
Chocolate Chip cookies preferably the ones from Zaxby
Macadamia nut cookies – A lot of people don’t like these but I love em especially when they are soft and warm
Oreos – Double stuffed. Nobody wants the regular ones anymore
The Comments
Pascha Shepard
I did not know Amazon had a clinic. Pass. I have and would only use Walmart clinic for antibiotics or a flu test. Quick treatment,
> Pascha Shepardagreed. Walmart haven’t even talked about their clinic in a while either
It's Finally Friday: August 11th - Kita Bryant
[…] news article, podcast, etc) and I give my opinion on it. Make sure you catch the last it’s Finally Friday so you can see what we talked about last week. This week we are talking about how sick and tired we […]