It’s February already. Jan came in for me like …imma test the waters a little and see what kinda small trouble I can get into then we gonna go from there. I hope your Jan was decent but cheers to Feb where we celebrate all things black and all things love. I asked a question on my Instagram stories the other day (my insta is private but if you want in let me know it ain’t no fee like most charge but I keep it private to have a better community) about red flags for friendships. I’ll share my top 3 below but before we get to that I came across an article that talks about having friends of all ages. Welcome to It’s Finally Friday: Feb 2nd I’m glad to have you here!

I came across this article a few weeks ago and thought it was timely as we go into the new year and reevaluate our friendships. I know some folks say no new friends but I think at every stage or chapter of your life you need new friends, new outlets, and new outlooks on life. My mom had friends of different ages she was the oldest out of her friend group by almost 10 years. All of my friends are near my age I think my oldest friend is probably 47 but no one is more than 10 years or less than 10 years younger than me. I think having friends of all age groups is important.
Younger pals can be a reminder of past selves; older friends can offer a glimpse into the future. Having fun with someone decades older or younger than you can take off the pressure to “act one’s age,” whatever that means.
The Atlantic
I do not act my age so I think I can fit in with the younger crowd and because my mom had me at an older age I can fit in with the older ones too. Get you some friends of various age groups and see what comes of it.
My top 3 of the week….
My top 3 red flags when it comes to friendships
- Someone who doesn’t have any friends. You need to have at least one friend 2 really because why don’t you have any. (this also allows me not to be your only friend and depend on just me for all of your venting needs)
- They constantly adapt their personality and opinions to match the people they’re with, leaving you unsure of who they truly are and questioning the authenticity of the friendship
- They aren’t growing. We gotta grow together it’s almost like marriage I’m moving and you are staying the same always complaining but never wanting to do better. If we aren’t building in marriage then what are we doing? Same thing goes for friendships.