I wanted to start a little series on here that I can dedicate myself to for the Summer if it goes good I’ll keep it up but it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. Take it back old school. In this series, I will start off with my thoughts on a movie or article then give you my top 3’s of the week. The top 3 will be whatever category I come up with. For example, the top 3 water brands I like or the top 3 mocktail recipes or the top 3 books I recommend you read. Some of the links will be affiliate links so be aware. Let’s have fun and It’s Finally Friday!

I watched Missing: It’s on Netflix…good movie about a mother who goes missing and the daughter is trying to find her. I wasn’t prepared for the ending. Let’s back up I didn’t even want to watch the movie because I didn’t like the set up of her on the computer and the movie actually being well on the computer. I was turned off by that especially since I’m on the computer a lot. I gave it a chance last week and it was good. I thought the mom shot the friend I had no idea they were hiding from the dad. See my ass would have looked my dad up on the computer and googled him cause I’m nosy but she had no idea. Can’t believe the boyfriend was in on it he seemed like a good dude. Secretly I hope she gets with the guy who was helping her over where the mom was supposed to be. Have you seen the movie? Were you expecting that twist or something else?
Top 3……..
Frosted Flake with some sugar on top (Don’t judge me)
Froot Loops been eating these since a child
Pops but I gotta eat them dry.
Share your top 3 cereals……
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It's Finally Friday: June 30 - Kita Bryant
[…] finally Friday series that I started. To get a background of what’s going on read the last It’s Finally Friday from last week. As always I will give an article or do a movie review and then go into my top 3. […]