This up-and-down weather in Atlanta and the pollen is whew but it’s Friday. Time to celebrate the weekend kick your shoes off and have some fun. If you are new here welcome! Every Friday I celebrate it by doing a series where I give my opinion, make you laugh, drop some links, etc. If you missed the last Finally Friday you can check it out here. This week we are talking about cancer and how it sucks and how I hate it. I don’t hate many things but I hate cancer. Welcome to it’s Finally Friday, March 22nd.

I admit that I didn’t know who Jessica Pettway was until I looked her up. I have been in this blogging world but apparently, I’ve been under a rock. I am not a beauty blogger nor fashion for that matter so when I see some bloggers speak of old school bloggers I’m lost if it wasn’t in my mommy bloghood space. When I read her story my heart hurt so bad because she could have been saved had she not been misdiagnosed. Know your body and always always always get a second opinion especially when it’s something major like bleeding and you aren’t on your period. My prayers go out to her family and those doctors….I won’t cuss them out but I sure hope they did.
My mother died of cancer and I to this day wish that we had gotten another opinion or found another way. My mom had this cancer 3 times even with chemo and radiation and she still ended up passing away. From my understanding, Jessica didn’t want to seek any type of Chemo (I could be wrong) she wanted to find natural ways to handle it. I’m a huge advocate for natural as much as possible but if I need to go drastic I will do that too. I pray that she had peace in her last days.
Top 3 of the week……
Top 3 natural beauty brands that I love
Ilia – I love their lip products. This is one that I get to put on to bring some moisture back into them.
Skylar – I use this as a base for myself and then put the other perfumes on top. I also use this as my night perfume.
Hanahana Beauty – Chile this brand has me in a chokehold. Buy all the stuff lol.
The Comments
K. Elizabeth
Always, always get a second and even a third opinion. I went through 3 primary care physicians and 2 surgical specialists before I found a medical team that is finally taking my health and medical concerns seriously and was able to provide me with a diagnosis for my reoccurring breast cysts.
Jessica was one of the first beauty vloggers that I really got into and her story breaks my heart. I’m praying for family and that those doctors are held accountable for their actions.
> K. Elizabethyep always and a third opinion ain’t bad either. So many Doctors mis diagnose and I am so sorry for her family I hope they are held accountable
It's Finally Friday: March 29th - Kita Bryant
[…] I do every Friday where I give my opinion on stuff. If you missed the last one you can check it out here. It’s Finally Friday March 29th lets talk about this article that Nedra Shared in her latest […]