I’m still here y’all. The election week and my car accident set me back just a bit but we are back on our schedule. Welcome to it’s finally Friday. A series where I give my opinion on articles, movies, tv shows, podcasts, etc. I think this is the first one we’ve done this November but if you want to see one of our other ones check it out here. How are you doing after that election? I don’t usually talk politics or religion but if you follow me on Instagram you know where I stood and where I continue to stand. Anywhoo enough about that I hope you have been well. I have been a busy bee if you notice I have added my shirts to this website so I’m excited to start selling over here and having everything under one umbrella. It’s Finally Friday November 15th and today we talk all things Martha Stewart.

Did you all see the documentary on Netflix? I saw another one on HBO Max a few months ago that didn’t have her voice in it. Martha has always been cold to me. Like cold in a way that she comes to do her business and keep it moving, she doesn’t have time for games and cute sayings. The documentary gave me a great insight into how she handles men (she doesn’t like them lol) and how she ended up in jail. She is a typical Leo though it’s all about her and she does no wrong (sorry leos lol). She said the prosecutors should have been put in a Cuisinart and turned on hot…she also said something about someone being dead…oh well. I was like she gives 0 effs. She doesn’t care about feelings at all and I guess that’s how you gotta be when running a business.
Top 3 of the week……
Top 3 things I learned from Martha
Be who you are and eff everyone else
You can rebrand yourself into anything you want to be…model, stockbroker, foodie, jailbird, etc.
You can fall so never think you are too good for anything cause life will humble you
The Comments
JP Beautiful Mess
I saw that documentary too. While it didn’t make me like her more; it made me appreciate her MORE for who she is. Impressive how she just keeps going!
*if this posts twice, I’m sorry- but it gave me an error message
> JP Beautiful MessI agree she was more appreciated for who she is and I got to know why she is the way she is too.
It's Finally Friday November 22nd - Kita Bryant
[…] (the ones where I’m not slammed) with my opinion of stuff. If you missed the last one you can read it here we deep dived in to Martha Stewart. This week we tackle Whoppi. It’s Finally Friday November […]