It's Finally Friday November 22nd

It’s Finally Friday November 22nd

How was your week? It finally got cold here in Atlanta we have been having warm weather and while I loved it I was itching to wear my sweatshirts and sweaters. Welcome to Friday if you are new here welcome. This is my series that I do every Friday (the ones where I’m not slammed) with my opinion of stuff. If you missed the last one you can read it here we deep dived in to Martha Stewart. This week we tackle Whoppi. It’s Finally Friday November 22nd let’s get into it.

It's Finally Friday November 22nd

I finally was able to finish Whoppi Goldberg latest book Bits and Pieces.

It was a great read. I got it because I was curious about how she dealt with death. She seems to be a women that doesn’t have a lot of emotions but she is also real and funny so I wanted to see if I could relate. The book was pretty good. It took me a while to read it because I’ve been busy but I finally was able to finish it. She was very close to her mother and her brother and I loved their relationship. She didn’t dwell on a lot of bad times but she dwelled on memories that helped shape who she became today. This book was a thank-you letter to her mother and her brother. I also loved how she spoke about marriage she knows what she wanted and what she didn’t want. Listen to the audiobook if you get a chance it’s excellent!

Top 3 of the week…..

Top 3 of my favorite Whoppi movies

Sister Act 2 was my favorite. I loved the first one but the 2nd one was more for me

How Stella Got Her Groove Back – One of my favorite rom-com movies

Ghosts of Mississippi – this was one of my favorites from her

I have never seen Ghost and I also love her in The Lion King

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