I’m in Atlanta and I love this not-so-cold weather I wish it could be like this all Fall. It’s not too hot and not cold at all just right. It’s Friday the last Friday in October and we are on to November because that’s how this year has been treating us…like it has somewhere to be. If you are new here Welcome. This is my series where I dive into hot topics, movies, articles, and whatever I want to with my opinion. If you missed last week’s It’s Finally Friday check it out here. This week let’s get into the biggest issues facing entrepreneurs. It’s Finally Friday, October 27th!

I was watching this video the other day (also in podcast form) and I was like whew Donnie is Harsh, She was almost like a bully but I think sometimes we need this in our lives especially when it comes to owning a business.
My poor heart hurt for this lady and I wanted to cry for her. She didn’t know what she was doing and didn’t have her shat together and Donnie called her out on it. Atlanta has a lot of folks like that I’m currently in the midst of suing someone who took money from me who lied about what she could deliver and didn’t deliver. Watch out for these Atlanta folks. I went to her Instagram to see if she implemented any changes and she did not as far as I could see. Watch the above then come back and tell me what you think. People think they can just do anything online to make money when they have no concrete backing but they look legit. Here is a telltale sign that I know folks don’t be making money like that…when they always gotta sell their product or service. If you good the people will come. I’m not saying to not market but you don’t have to go as hard if you are as good as you say you are. That’s just my opinion.
Top 3 of the week…….
Top 3 Favorite Books when it comes to business
- Bevelations by Bevy Smith. This is a quick read filled with lessons.
- Uncloned Marketing – This book is older but has some valuable lessons.
- The Ride of a Lifetime by the CEO of Disney. – I’m currently reading this book and whew…its good.
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It's Finally Friday: Nov. 3rd - Kita Bryant
[…] into my opinions on movies, articles, and hot topics. If you missed last week you can catch it here. It’s Finally Friday, Nov 3rd let’s get to it this week as we explore Keith Lee and […]