It's Finally Friday September 13th

It’s Finally Friday September 13th

Friday is here and I have been waiting for this Friday because I get to turn alarms off. My daughter has Fall Break next week (yes I know Fall break and they just started school). I am going to rest up. I wanted to visit Dollywood but the way my coins are set up it’s a no for me but I plan on getting there by the end of next year. If you are new here welcome! This is the place to be every Friday as I give you my opinion on news articles, movies, books, etc. This week let’s talk about the American Murder featuring Laci Peterson. It’s Finally Friday, September 13th lets get to it.

It's Finally Friday September 12th

So I remember the case back in the day but I never truly followed it. I knew they found her body and they got him locked up for murder but I saw the documentary on Netflix and was intrigued with the behind-the-scenes stories from the detectives and the lawyers who took this case on. I also got to see both sides of the family talk which I don’t often see. Now his family is going to stick beside him but what made him guilty in my eyes was the fact that he bought the boat and didn’t tell a soul. Come on that’s a big purchase you will tell someone. He would have gotten away with it had he not told the mistress that the wife was gone on December 9th…but she wasn’t really gone until Dec. 24th. How are you gonna say the wife is gone before she is gone? That part right there was the nail in his coffin. He did it I’m sorry who else would want her gone? He didn’t want that baby that was the main thing he found a new gal and wanted to live a new life. All he had to do was just leave and start his life over with the new girl and keep the charades going as if he had never married. Men smdh.

Top 3 of the week…..

Top 3 unsolved mysteries that intrigue me

The Zodiac Killer – I don’t think this has been solved yet since the last documentary I watched about it. I think it has stopped which means the killer is either dead or in jail or maybe just old.

D. B. Cooper – This story has always fascinated me. I believe he lived and knew how to jump from a plane so he got away with the money and lived a quiet life.

The Bermuda Triangle – My grandma talked about Bermuda a lot. I never got the straightness if maybe her family came from there but I grew up with a lot of stories about this place.

Honorable mention

Amelia Earhart – I think her plane crashed into the sea into pieces and floated away

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The Comments

  • K. Elizabeth
    September 14, 2024

    I think the Zodiac Killer is dead. They had a man who’s DNA was a partial match at one of the crime scenes. Plus, there was some other stuff that put him in at least the same proximity as one of the victims on the night she was murdered.

    I do hate that he got away and those families never got justice. I wish forensic technology and science would have been more advanced back then.

    I definitely wish we knew what happened to Amelia Earhart. I know some people believe she may have faked her own death and decided to go into hiding because she was getting so much hate about being a woman in what was considered a man’s sport/world at time.

    Either way, she and Bessie Coleman opened up a lot of doors for women in aviation.

    • kitab
      > K. Elizabeth
      September 15, 2024

      hmmm I need to update myself on the zodiac killer I figured he was probably dead at this point. So glad DNA works now and they can go back to previous stuff and solve things.