I have been on a rewatch scandal party of my own for the past two weeks. I’ve done nothing but binge-watch scandal straight through for 2 weeks. I stopped watching in 2016 when my hubs died and never finished up the seasons so since I’m home and being lazy this summer I decided to watch it from the beginning to the end only getting a few hrs of sleep per day. The last two seasons I wasn’t a fan of and the ending could have been better I finished it though and it’s handled! Here is how to rewatch your life and learn from it.
First off when replaying stuff for the 2nd time over and over in your head as you are older you see things differently. I knew Fitz and Olivia had chemistry but rewatching with older eyes I’m like my gawd how do y’all significant others deal with this madness? You can feel it in the stares I never realized that the first time. When you meet people you can have this intense chemistry (even if it’s just a friend) and that intensity shouldn’t hide the fact that you should get to know each other because love isn’t always enough. Do your values meet? Are you committed to the relationship whatever it is? Can you be yourself around them? Questions that I never asked about certain people in my life and now that I look back at it I wonder if we were ever friends or lovers. Now in life I know that initial chemistry has to be explored can’t be off of a spur of the moment thing. Who are you and what can you add to my life?
Another thing I noticed while rewatching Scandal is that you aren’t the main character in every story. We like to be but there are other moving parts within that story. Other people who help shape the story and make it whole. If you are the main character and there is no one there to be the villain or the hero or to help you see which one you are then what’s the point of your story in life? You can’t be the main character with no supporting cast. Huck and Cyrus…top tier when it comes to supporting even if it’s not the good kind they are still there. Never think you are the main thing all the time humbleness goes a long way.
I thought season 5 was going to be their season….it started off good then it went south. Isn’t that life sometimes it starts off good in the morning but by the middle of the day it’s horrible. You want to throw the entire day away but you still got shit to do like work at your job, or run your business, or be a mother, or a wife. Don’t always be upset when something throws you off instead be thankful for the detours in life because it makes life much more interesting and fun. Not all things are fun but you get my drift. Roll with the punches that life gives you but never forget who you are in the middle of them and make sure you fight with all you got and if you have no fight in you then try again. Always find the good in the day no matter how bad it can be.
Command. Who commands your life? It was the question I asked myself after watching papa popes monologues. What are you addicted to? What’s stopping you from being all that you can be? Does the world command you or do you command the world? Some people are addicted to power…so much so that when it all comes crumbling down they don’t know what to do and no one stands by them (coughs Diddy). The only one who has power is God you have what he gives you daily but you are still only human and it’s ok if you make mistakes (still not forgiving Diddy but that’s not up to me)
Just like you rewatch movies or tv series take a look at your own life. Think about how far you’ve come and make sure you see the growth for yourself. Learn from your mistakes and don’t make the same ones twice.
Have you watched Scandal? What’s your favorite season? I think seasons 1 and 2 still reign strong for me maybe a little of 5.
The Comments
I don’t even remember! I haven’t watched since it was on TV, but perhaps I’ll go back and rewatch it too!
Never watched scandal. But it’s always nice to watch something againg, because you notice something that you didn’t before.