This or that September edition

June 10 on the 10th

June is here and my daughter is finally finished with dance for until August. I can truly rest now that summer is here. As always I’m joining in on my favorite challenge for the month 10 on the 10th hosted by Marsha. Without further ado here are some answers to some fun questions to get to know me.

Would you rather go camping in a camper (your pick on the style) or stay at a five star resort? 

Give me a five star resort. I can’t do any type of campers it’s too cramped and I need a nice bathroom.

Would you rather watch a movie in the backyard of a good friend or go to your favorite band’s concert with your worst enemy?

Backyard with a good friend we will take care of the bugs which are the real enemies

Would you rather have chub rub because you forgot your protective gear or a big blister on your heel because you’re wearing cute but new shoes? 

I never heard of a chub rub had to look that up. I’m gong with that I don’t do blisters that’s why I stay in crocks lol

Would you rather meet your great-great-grandparent or your great-great-grandchild?

This is a hard one at first I would say my great great grandparent but I think I would like to meet the child see what I passed down before I go on home to really meet my great great grandparent in heaven.

Would you rather be hot and sweaty in the humid outdoors or cold and shivering in an overly air-conditioned room?

I can’t stand air I get cold very easily so give me hot and sweaty and outdoors

Would you rather eat a melted candy bar or a piece of cold pizza?

I have eaten a melted candy bar before I think it would taste better than a cold pizza I need my pizza warm so that cheese can be melted and hot

Would you rather go for a day without access to any social media or emails or would you have to remain on social media all day long?

I’m old school there was no computer when I was in high school and social media wasn’t a thing when I was younger so I think I can go a day without access to any social media or emails I have done a day without social media but not my emails since I own a small business.

Would you rather dress like a person from the 1950s or the 2050s? 

take me old school it’s never really out of style and I can modern it up my way

Would you rather eat ice cream covered in pizza sauce or a pizza covered in chocolate sauce?

I’m surprised they don’t have an ice cream pizza yet lol. I think I will take the pizza covered in chocolate sauce

Would you rather fly like Superman or swim like Aquaman?

Let me fly cause I want to travel for free

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The Comments

  • Marsha Banks
    June 11, 2024

    Hahaha!!! I loved your answer to the last one! I love your thoughts on the grandchild…seeing our ancestors when we go home is a wonderful way to think. Some may not want to see me, though!

    Thanks for playing along, Kita!

  • Jennifer
    June 11, 2024

    This was a fun read! I agree with you on meeting your great-great grandchild. I’d rather meet my great-great grandchild, too. And I can definitely go a day without social media and email. I have email and social notifications turned off on my phone because the chimes trigger my anxiety. I’ve been working hard on limiting my time on social media. So far so good! Although now that it’s summer, I have a little extra time to be on IG. haha

  • Daenel T.
    June 12, 2024

    I can’t stand being cold either — give me all the hot temps.

    When I was a kid, living in Italy, there was a little gelateria that sold ice cream spaghetti and ice cream pizza. The ice cream spaghetti was vanilla ice cream that they ran through a pasta maker and topped with strawberry sauce. The pizza was a thin cake, covered in strawberry sauce, the cheese was ice cream, and the toppings were all sorts of fresh fruit. So good.