Do you all remember your first job? Mine was working as a bagger at Publix Supermarkets. I started off making $5.45 an hour (this was late 90’s y’all) and worked my way up to be a manager. I learned so many lessons from my first job that I wanted to share them with you in the hopes that these lessons help you if you are starting a new job or a new business or even in life.
- Have everything recorded and documented. Make them pull that camera if you work somewhere with money. Quick story I was working the customer service desk and the lady wanted to send western union. She handed me $900.00 but the total was $1300.00. I informed her that she was missing some money. She started cussing me out saying I stole the money she called me a bish I called her one. The manager pulled me off the clock. I told my manager before he tries to fire me pull the camera. They did and saw her slip the extra money back in her pocket. To this day I do everything via email or text when it comes to business. That way there is no you say I say involved. Paper trail me calling is nice but I like a paper trail and that’s how I run things.
- Spend money on good marketing. It makes a difference you want people to remember your ad or your commercial (it’s mostly influencers doing stuff now but you get the point) If an influencer can tell a story and sell you then their job is done and you will always remember that and buy. Publix always makes me remember their commercials and I haven’t seen a bad one yet.
- Stand out by being different. Here is a great example of that. Also follow him for a lot of great information. Publix is where I shop even to this day. I know their expensive but they stood out to me for having great products (even their store brands are the bomb) and great customer service. A lot of companies started following them with the customer service but I don’t get treated that well at Walmart lol. I want to put my coins where I’m treated good at.
- I had a friend at publix she was a bit older than me. She had a 7 yr old at the time I was like maybe 20 with 0 kids. I would always ask her to go out or why she didn’t answer the phone when I called not realizing that she had a child and that she had other things to do besides talk to me. She pulled me aside one day and said Kita I love you but I also can’t talk when you want to talk I have other things to do. It taught me a lesson to respect others time and boundaries.
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[…] city. First, there is a thing called a plane and she can go see her friends when she can also a new job means meeting people right there. Start with the job (although I’m wearing of making friends […]