Negative comments online

Negative comments online

If you are online you will get negative comments. It comes with the territory. Sometimes negative comments can be harsh and sometimes they can be funny. I haven’t gotten many negative comments but have had a few. Recently I said something about the Janet Jackson concert. I had a friend who went and at that concert Janet lip-synced and I said that on Twitter. Now I don’t know if she did this at all the concerts but I trust my friend plus I saw a video with my own eyes and can tell she was, at least during that song.

Someone took the time to email me and said I’m a fat black bitch who doesn’t even need to be in the room with Janet. First, you really took the time to send me an email…why you didn’t comment on social media (coward)…you got a lot of time on your hand to send a stranger a comment but I thought it was cute. You see negative comments don’t bother me…I’ve already been called every name in the book no one can call me anything that I haven’t heard before so it’s a fun game to me…they need to come up with something new to make it really hurt me. I’m writing this post because I want you all to know that you have to know who you are and also learn how to ignore people. It’s hard but it can be done. Here are some tips to ignore comments online

Check-in with yourself. Does this comment need your response? Here is what I do if it’s someone I know personally or someone who talks to me online all the time on social media then I will respond but if they are a stranger sometimes silence is best. Let dummies argue with themselves.

Find something in your real life that uplifts you. Social media and online isn’t your real life. Never forget that. Since I’m used to name callings (I was called ugly at the age of 7 and black as the ace of spade at 19) I always revert to lifting myself up. It doesn’t bother me anymore but in the past, I would go to my favorite quote or listen to an upbeat song or watch something that makes me laugh or call a best friend and have them pour into me. These days I don’t need the uplift because I have learned to not respond to everything. That comes with age.

Also, I’ve never gotten negative comments on social itself it’s always through an email or Dm, or on my blog comment it’s usually an anonymous person who can’t be traced via anything. I can call them a name back…a weak coward who hides behind something untraceable.

how to deal with negative comments online

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