With all of the uncertainty across social media; we never really own most of the content we put out, unless we have a mailing list or a self-hosted blog. That’s why starting a blog sounds so appealing to so many right now. And it’s worth it. With a blog, you can post what matters most to you and reach the people you want to reach. So, if you’re ready to start your blog immediately, I’ve compiled a list of tips to motivate you to write that first post today. These one-sentence inspirational blogging tips are sure to help you break through that imposter syndrome and become the content creator you’ve always dreamed you could be.
One-Sentence Inspirational Blogging Tips to Help You Get Started
1. Your unique voice and perspective could be exactly what someone needs to hear today.
The world is literally on fire. People need inspiration and they need to know that they’re not alone. Your perspective could be the thing that changes their life or even keeps them here in this life. Knowing that you could have an important impact on someone’s well-being, simply by telling your story, offering hope or just being a source of comfort, is an amazing feeling.
2. Every big blog started with just one post, take that first step!
There are tons of successful blogs out there, and many of them are making an incredible income. The one thing they all have in common; there was a time when they all had just one blog post and zero income. All you have to do is start. That’s not to say you’ll begin raking in tons of money blogging, but you the chances of new opportunities reaching you expand when you just start. If you don’t start, you can’t grow.
3. Sharing your passion can create a ripple effect that inspires others to follow theirs.
You likely have a passion project that you’re excited about. Why not share that with the world? You don’t have to be perfect at it, you don’t even have to be good. People want to see real life. They want to know that they too can do things they are interested in. Seeing your ups and downs rather than some other person’s highlights and successes all the time can be inspiring. It can make them realize that there’s no fear in trying.
4. Your story has the power to connect, uplift, and even change lives.
Everyone has a story. Whether your experiences have been happy and amazing or tragic and depressing, your story can change lives. Someone out there needs to hear it, so share what you’re comfortable sharing. Many of us didn’t have the opportunity in our younger years to have access to therapists and counselors; much of what we learned and worked through, we had to do on our own. We’re likely still doing it. Those are the experiences we need to be blogging about. What an amazing way to connect with others; through shared experiences!
5. The knowledge and experiences you’ve gathered are more valuable than you realize. Share them!
Your experiences matter. You’ve likely picked up tidbits of knowledge from your parents, grandparents, and co-workers over the years that you’ve got tucked away. Get that knowledge out there into the world. Over the last several years, it’s become apparent that parents just aren’t teaching their kids like our parents and grandparents did. It’s not because they’re inept, it’s just that life has been life-ing over the last several decades. Parents just didn’t have the time, energy, or ability to slow down and exist and share their knowledge with the younger generations. There are Gen Z and young Millenials who need to know things we learned from our Silent Generation family members. Start that blog and share this information, before it’s lost forever.
6. Blogging is a journey of self-expression and growth; embrace every step along the way.
One of the most amazing things about blogging is that you learn so much about yourself in the process. Writing can be like therapy at times, and often just getting the words out on paper (or the screen) can help you see things from a different perspective. Blogging can change your finances if you monetize. Blogging can bring you opportunities that you likely never even considered. It’s worth it to just start because you never know how it will change you.
7. Even if only one person reads your post, you’ve made an impact.
It’s quite likely that more than one person will read your blog post. The internet is a large place. But, even if only one person ever reads it, you’ve made a difference in the world. That old saying, “Each one, teach one,” is so accurate. What you share with that one person, can have a ripple effect. They’ll go on to share what they learned from you, and before you know it, your message has reached an audience you weren’t even aware of.
8. The world is waiting for your ideas, creativity, and expertise, don’t hold back!
You may not think you have something important to say, but you are here now with a unique set of experiences and a background vastly different from anyone else. We all have something to teach and share. I guarantee you there is someone out there who needs to hear what you have to say. But, they’ll never find you if you don’t start right now!
9. You don’t have to be perfect to start; you just have to start.
If we spend too much time trying to be perfect in everything we do, we fall into what is known as “analysis paralysis,” and nothing gets accomplished. So, start the blog. Do it scared, do it imperfectly. It’s never going to be perfect from the start, or at all, but what is most important is that you get something started right away.
10. Building your blog is building your legacy—one word at a time.
How many times have you thought, “Man, if only I had asked my Grandmother and Grandfather more questions about their lives,” we tend to do this more often as we get older? It’s natural to want to know about the people we come from, but in our youth, we often don’t think to do this. Your blog can answer those questions for your children and grandchildren one day. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and your life, your family may not get it now, but one day….they will.
Getting started with blogging doesn’t have to be a big challenge. Just start writing, it will all come together in the end. Overthinking will get you nowhere. I do hope that these one-sentence inspirational blogging tips helped you realize that now is the perfect time to become a blogger. Crack open that laptop, and get to work!