I’m back joining in on the 10 on the 10th and this month it’s all about September. It’s not my favorite month. I think it’s because I’m still not used to the back-to-school schedule yet and I do not like cold air. I think I lowkey have seasonal depression and it starts to set in during September. Every year I say I’m going to try to do better and every year I still get own and out. I said to myself this year I’m going to be ok if I’m not ok and will still push through. Take a nap when I can say no more often and get my warm blankets ready. Without further ado welcome to September.
Tell us about your favorite nine-letter word.
Hmmm Unplugged. It’s something I need to do more of especially with social media. I try my best to unplug on Sundays. I call it my non crank day where I don’t crank my car up at all and I go nowhere. I sit in my bed all day and watch all the tv and eat all the stuff I don’t eat in the weekdays like this Kind bar that I love so much lol.
Tell us about a song with September in the title.
September is a time for change and I’m looking for a boo so this song fit right in. Maybe I’ll meet my future man this month lol
Tell us about a famous celebration that takes place in September.
My second moms birthay is Sept the 2nd but that’s about it that I really celebrate. September is kind of a Sad month with 9/11 happening here in the US years ago. It’s a month of just reflection and change. I celebrate that too
Tell us about your favorite pirate for International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th
I will say Captain Hook. He is the first pirate I heard of as a child so I’ll stick with him
Tell us about a pet peeve having to do with September, Fall, or Spring (for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere).
When people decorate for Christmas in Sept like can we just do fall and maybe thanksgiving with a sprinkle of Halloween before we get down to the holidays.
Come up with a stupid question for Stupid Question Day on September 28th.
Why is it that when people are asked what they would bring to a deserted island, they never answer ‘a boat’? I get a phone, a book, etc but never a boat. Ask someone what they would bring to a deserted island and see what the answer is.
Tell us about a favorite September memory
I found out I was pregnant with my second in September many many years ago. My period didn’t come on and I don’t miss a period unless I’m pregnant. Of course nothing was planned and I had already had a 3 year old. We were going through a financial rough spot and was down and out until I got pregnant it was a happy moment.
Tell us about your favorite celebrity whose birthday is in September.
Idris Elba…thats my husband…shhh he doesn’t know it yet.
Tell us about your favorite memory with your grandparent(s) for National Grandparents Day
My grandma always told stories. She had a way with words and storytelling. I could listen to her for days about how my mom grew up how she grew up. One of her stories she told me she had a dream that I would have 3 boys…I only have one and I’m too old to have 2 more but that story still kind of makes me wonder……
Tell us about your favorite thing involving nine pieces/parts/items
hmmm I had to think about this. I would say I own 9 pairs of shoes lol. I know I’m not that type of girl and this does not include ugg boots and crocs but real shoes.
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The Comments
Marsha Banks
I am so glad you joined in on the goofiness of this 10 on the 10th. When I write these, I really need to think about my answers first. I had no clue for the holiday thing, either, except for Labor Day. I am with you on the decorating too early. I haven’t even done anything for fall and probably won’t for a couple of weeks. I love unplugged…I would love to stay in bed all day. I usually have to be really sick before the husband leaves me alone in my room! I did see Idris Elba was born in September…I won’t tell! Your grandma sounds like a wonderful person. My grandmas were the cranky sort with lots of “don’t do this” and “don’t do that.” But, I still loved them.
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Kita Bryant
> Marsha BanksYes this was fun. This one I had to think about but I love the new answers I had to come up with. Can’t wait til next month.
Let's have fun October edition - Kita Bryant
[…] I am back with these fun questions just in time for Fall. 10 10 sounds like a good luck number to me so let’s have fun with this October edition of the 10 on 10. If you missed September 10 on the 10th make sure you check it out here. […]