what makes you special

What makes you special?

I was watching youtube the other day and the person said you have to have a USP when it comes to your business. What is a USP? A unique selling point. What makes you stand out from the thousands of people who have a business just like yours? Yes, you can be the secret sauce but what if someone doesn’t know who you are at first? How can your marketing make you stand out? What do you offer that people can see that makes you different?

My unique selling point is giving video clips with all of my photoshoots and being known as the not so uptight photographer. I don’t follow the rules as many others do. I break them (not all). I always say if you aren’t a rule breaker or risk taker I might not be the best photographer for you. When it comes to selling my T-shirts my unique selling point is making sure I reach out to customers after they buy a shirt to make sure I engage with them because that’s important. Customer service is huge and many people miss that.

Your USP could be how you make your clients or customers feel. Maybe it’s the way you understand your customers (I understand bloggers because I was one …still am but I do it my way) I know that they have to showcase the brand they are working with or make sure they give the client more than one photo or video.

Here are more examples of USP for other businesses. Make sure you read up on these and I hope you figure out what your USP is.

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  • Why it’s important to take photos that matter - Kita Bryant
    January 24, 2023

    […] your favorite photo album, and start going through the pictures. What do you remember about those beautiful moments? You’re not thinking about the likes or the shares, but for us – the ability to hold and touch. […]

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    June 13, 2023

    […] Look at the competition study them and then find a way to make it your own. For example, I am a photographer I have a lot of competition in Atlanta (a lot lol everybody and their mama a photographer). Here is how I stand out… […]