Y’all, let’s talk about something that’s been heavy on my mind lately: intergenerational relationships, particularly with our elders. Here is why we still need our elders: Lessons for Gen X.
No matter how grown I get, I realize that I can also learn a thing or two from folks who came before me. No, I’m not talking about “we still need them to teach us how to make cornbread from scratch” (although we do). I’m talking about their wisdom and the way they navigate life.
When you start to pay attention, you’ll notice that the older generations are always casually dropping life lessons. It’s like our elders have a sixth sense for the kind of turbulence life throws your way. They’ve been through every era, every trend, every economic boom and bust—and came out the other side still slinging advice.
Now, I’m not saying we’ve got it all wrong and need to be stuck in the past. Far from it. But we can’t act like we’ve got everything figured out just ’cause we’ve got Google and TikTok at our fingertips. The older folks know a thing or two about patience—waiting for a peach cobbler to bake versus waiting for a viral moment online. They’ll tell you in a heartbeat, “Life ain’t no sprint; it’s a marathon.”
Sure, we might think we’ve got our hustle game on lock, but those elders? They’ve been hustling for generations. They understand the grind and, more importantly, know when to take a break and pour a glass to unwind. We might have the technology, but they’ve got the perspective. That’s why we can’t afford to lose that connection.
Let’s start leaning on our elders not just for recipes but for advice on everything from business to love to navigating life’s mess. Because if we don’t, we’ll be out here like that headless chicken Granny was always talking about—running but not going anywhere.
What’s the best piece of advice an elder in your life has given you? Did it stick, or did you learn the hard way?