I’m back with my favorite time of the month…not payday but the 10 on the 10th with Marsha in the Middle. I was telling someone the other day that they should join in with this because it’s so fun to answer these questions and it’s a way to get to know me. It’s Feb and we are talking all things Vday so let’s get started on would I rather February edition.
Would you rather have fruit dipped in chip dip or potato chips dipped in chocolate?
Hmm I like chip dip only because I am not a lover of chocolate. I will eat chocolate but I don’t love it that much.
Would you rather publicly sing a love song or recite an original poem to your significant other?
I can actually sing (shhh don’t tell anyone lol…then I proceed to tell y’all I know crazy right) so I will sing a love song
Would you rather share the best meal of your life with Willie Nelson or Dolly Parton?
Dolly Parton. Love her. I have yet to go to Dollywood. We might take a trip there this year.
Would you rather receive a dozen perfect black roses or one rose in the color you love most?
I don’t like anything dark give me a rose any color but red…think outside the box
Would you rather spend an entire week of February dressed only in pink with purple hearts or red with orange hearts?
Red with orange hearts. I don’t like pink. When I had my daughter I refused to buy anything pink because it was so overused I wanted to see her in different colors. I bought her stuff with pink in it but mostly it was other colors.
Would you rather be treated to a day driving a Maserati around the Indy 500 race track or go for a carriage ride in the Scottish Highlands?
Give me the Maserati let’s go fast
Would you rather have your Valentine pizza delivered by Dwayne Johnson (the Rock) or Jason Statham?
This is a hard one. I like the rock but Jason has the accent. I’ll go with him
Would you rather sleep on red satin sheets or flannel sheets with teddy bears on them?
Flannel sheets with teddy bears because I love teddy bears they are so cute and cuddly
Would you rather receive a box of chocolates with your least favorite fillings or a bouquet of flowers to which your are allergic?
My son is allergic to flowers actually so a box of chocolates is what I will take here
Would you rather go on a surprise date or have planned it yourself?
I don’t like surprises…it’s the controller in me sadly. Most of the time when people have surprised me it has sucked but it also let me know they really didn’t know me as well as I thought they did. So I will plan it myself.
The Comments
Marsha Banks
Kita, I feel like I get to know you a little more every month! I won’t tell a soul that you can sing, I promise! Pink is definitely overused for little girls…unless they like it. I wouldn’t mind driving a Maserati for a long, long time…like five or six years…with someone else paying for it! I didn’t even think about Jason Statham’s accent…that chin and those abs, though! You know, lots of my people don’t know me as well as they think they do because I don’t tell them what I really, really like and dislike. I need to be more like you! I’m so glad you found me however you did because I love reading your answers.