I’m back joining in with my favorite blog series 10 on the 10th. If you want to join in follow along here. Each month on the 10th she has questions or prompts that you can follow along and spin into your own thing for others to get to know you. So this month it’s 10 of my favorite green things…this should be easy….NOT lol.
Plants. I love them but I kill them
I love the ocean is that really green or like a sea green
Money….I mean they say money isn’t everything but it kinda is you need it for everything cause only the air is free and that’s questionable cause the air where I live is making me sick which in turn has me buying meds …I digress
Wheatgrass. I like this brand. It gives me a boost of energy for some reason and tastes decent, especially in a cup of orange juice.
This jacket because I love it so much.
Oscar the grouch he has always been my favorite on Sesame street
Christmas trees. I wanted to the dusty one a few years ago and tried it and that mess tried me. Never again
My decor. I have green in my bedroom to remind me of the beach. I can’t show a pic of that cause my bedroom is a mess just trust me on it
Green sour apple blow pops. It’s my favorite along with grape
Salads. I will eat a salad almost every day. My favorite is the Greek salad from Cava.
Share 3 of your favorite green things below!
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The Comments
Marsha Banks
I thought this one would be easy, too! Once I got rolling, it got easier. And, I was totally going to put money in there, but I forgot! Oh, I will definitely count ocean water as green…how far from the ocean are you? I am forever miles away. There is nothing like sticking your feet in the water and having that sand sucked away then brought back in. I love Oscar’s attitude and completely forgot him. Ooops! I’m so glad you join in every month, Kita!