Well, it’s the last month of the year also known as my birthday month and it’s a time of reflection for me. Time to look back at all the good and bad and ways to improve in the future. With that being said let’s have fun this month doing the 10 on the 10th of December. This helps you get to know me and laugh just a little. If you are new here you know I join Marsha in the middle with these and it’s always so fun.

Would you rather give up Christmas trees or Christmas cookies?
Christmas trees. I like them but I love cookies better. Do you know that I’m a cookie monster because I love cookies so much? It’s a weakness of mine. Preferably baked chocolate chip cookies that I can’t seem to bake myself.
Would you rather get one amazing holiday gift or 10 just OK holiday gifts?
One amazing gift is fine by me because the 10 usually are just junk and I only like the one or two that I get. I always put the one thing I wanted at the top of my list and I got it every Christmas until I got older and had to buy my own gifts. Sucked!
Would you rather wash your hair with Christmas cookie icing or cranberry salad?
None lol but the salad might be refreshing and a little less gooey.
Would you rather surprise your people with gifts or shop from their lists?
I shop from lists because I think I know people but I really don’t and I don’t want to get people anything they don’t like.
Would you rather eat only the desserts or the main course for your entire holiday season (however long that may be)?
Desserts. My mom cooked the traditional stuff like stuffing, turkey, greens, and I hated it all so give me the desserts anytime.
Would you rather watch “A Christmas Story” or “Elf” for the entire day of your holiday?
Elf…I’ve never seen A Christmas Story so I may need to put that on my Christmas list of things to watch and I may change my mind.
Would you rather listen to “All I Want for Christmas” or “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” for an entire week?
Lol I’ve never heard of the Hippopotamus one so I will go with All I Want even though I’m tired of it
Would you rather have a “Ho, Ho, Ho” Santa laugh or an evil Grinch cackle?
Ho Ho Ho laughs it’s much happier than the elf laugh
Would you rather wear red and green or silver and gold for the entire holiday season?
I like silver and gold and I’ve actually been wearing more sliver and metallic this holiday season even got an outfit for my birthday that’s gold and black. Red and green is cute too but I like to be shing like the Christmas trees sometimes.
The Comments
Marsha Banks
Happy, happy birthday month, Kita! You always make me laugh. I love your answers…especially the one about cookies! I said I’d give up cookies because I can bake them any time of the year, but I can’t always put up a Christmas tree!
I’m so glad you played along again!
Have a wonderful birthday!
Top 10 things I love - Kita Bryant
[…] back with February 10 on the 10th hosted by Marsha in the middle. I will answer her questions but I also wanted to tell you the top […]