I’m going to declare that spring is here. I know it’s March and we are still in Winter at the time of this post but I’m ready for longer evenings and spring like weather. With that being said March is usually when I start my new year and I want to share 15 productivity tips that I have for Spring that help me and I’m sure that will help you.
- Schedule your hardest tasks in the morning. Meetings…mornings. Hard conversations…mornings. I space out after 12 noon and I prefer to get the hard things done so I can move on with my day in peace
- Take a break and change your scenery. I know you may work from home but change your area. I work in my bed, my living room, my kitchen, outside in the backyard etc.
- Tone down distractions. Take social media off of your phone or put your phone in another room. It helps even if it’s just for an hr
- Include a support group or a daily check in person in your plans. We have besties but we need business besties. Having one person that keeps you on task daily is good if not daily definitely do weekly.
- Change your beverage. I know we love our coffee but try a smoothie or drink a coke instead of coffee or even try tea.
- Buy an erasable whiteboard. I love them for menus for the week or just to write down one thing you want to do daily. It can be one thing business and one thing personal that you put on your board daily.
- Use my 5-5-5 rule. More explanation here but set a timer to engage for 5 min, share your content, and share others content.
- Purchase hotspot. Yes I rather use mine that the wifi at a coffee shop especially when handling personal info
- Set a time frame for others to not call you. I can’t really do dnd because my kids are in school but I let others know to not call me during certain times of the day so that I can get shat done…namely a nap.
- Create a personal challenge. Mine is to meet or e-meet one new person a day. That means jumping into a conversation or introducing myself to others via a social media platform. You can even set a challenge to write a blog post (I still write) once a week.
- Add color to your space. Fake flowers work if you can’t keep the real ones alive
- Play soft music or listen to a podcast. I still find podcasts kinda boring but the good ones I listen too while maybe putting in orders for my t-shirt brand.
- Take a trip outside of your home or office. If you can maybe take your computer to the lobby or to the nearest coffee shop to do some work.
- Phone a friend. Get your tea and gossip (bonus if you have one that makes you laugh) and then get back to work. That nice break does wonders
- Buy a faster computer. Trust me I have to buy one often because I refuse to get a Mac lol.
Share some productivity tips below. Some links may contain affiliates.