How do I handle my social media without being on it all day? Easy I do a 5 times 3 rule. 5 Min a day 3 times a day on the major platforms. Set a timer on your phone and in the mornings do 5 minutes on Twitter, 5 minutes on Instagram, and if you like Facebook (I’m not on there much) or Pinterest (I need to be on there more) go on all and do something for 5 minutes.
Around 9 am set a timer for 5 min
Go on Twitter. Jump into conversations, clean up your followers/following, say something, retweet something.
Set another timer for 5 min
Go on Instagram comment, like, or share something in your stories. You can even update your own.
Do the same thing at 1 pm
Again around 9ish at night.
Don’t spend all day on social especially if it ain’t paying your major bills.
Wanna know who I follow on social media? Gotta sign up for my newsletter I’ll spill the tea on my favorite people to follow and why.
The Comments
supporting small businesses - Kita Bryant
[…] them on social media. That tag goes a long way. If you bought something try even to share what you bought. I know that […]
Social media overload - Kita Bryant
[…] from there. I don’t want to let it go. I do schedule over there so I only pop in using my 5 times 3 method. That works for […]
Negative comments online - Kita Bryant
[…] something in your real life that uplifts you. Social media and online isn’t your real life. Never forget that. Since I’m used to name callings (I […]
How to get more clients for your business - Kita Bryant
[…] engaging and talking to people. You can be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. I spend 5 min 3 times a day on social media and I keep it moving. Do what you can to get on there and then get the hell off. […]
15 productivity tips for Spring - Kita Bryant
[…] my 5-5-5 rule. More explanation here but set a timer to engage for 5 min, share your content, and share others […]
It's Finally Friday: Jan 31st - Kita Bryant
[…] Staying off of social or only be on there using my 3 times 5 method. […]