I’m a huge fan of apps. Some of my favorites that I use daily are…
Lastpass – Having all the millions of passwords under one management system. I use 3 different passwords really for almost every site. A medium-level password, a complex password, and a crazy one with all the symbols and numbers and uppercase letters I can find. This app is easy and works across all platforms.
Apple News – I am an android girl but I do have apple products. My business phone is apple (since all y’all wanna do apple so bad lol) One of the apps on there that I look at is Apple news. Its where I keep up with what’s going on and get ideas for my own blog posts.
Artful Agenda – It’s my calendar. Use my code RK44458 to try it out. It’s like a calendar with stickers that go everywhere with me. I love that this app helps me set goals and create a system to keep me on task. I also love that I can write my own summary of the day in a section I call my daily thoughts.
Milanote – This is how I visually do my days and create my content calendar. While most people like notion I like this. It’s simpler to understand for me personally.
Canva – Canva is a beast and everyone uses it but here is my thing… Use it to fit your needs and buy templates or have someone create templates for you so that you can stand out and not look like everyone else. I get my templates from Creative Market or have someone create a unique template for me on Fiverr.
Out of the above-mentioned apps which one would be your favorite?
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