I saw this post on one of my favorite blogger’s website and thought I don’t know if I can do 10 but I can find 5 things I’m passionate about. For me being passionate about something is something that will take up my time and my energy. I put a lot into it and I go hard for it. I don’t play when it comes to arguing my point of view for that thing I’m passionate about either. So here are 5 things I’m passionate about and I would love to hear at least two things you are passionate about.
I’m passionate about education. I don’t play about it. I also don’t depend on the public school to teach it. I know many parents want financial literacy taught or more about black history taught but honestly, that is partly my job. School is great for socializing and for the po po not to knock on my door but we as parents have to teach some things at home. I teach my kids about money, basic life skills, their history (not taught in books), and much more at home. I also teach by real world scenarios and won’t hesitate to create that just to teach a lesson.
I’m passionate about having a backup plan for everything. Have a plan B. I know I know….if you have a plan B then you believe plan A won’t work but I live in the real world. Plan A doesn’t always work and then you will cry and fall out when you don’t have a backup plan readily available at least in your mind if not concrete. Have a plan for if you lose your job tomorrow, have a plan for if your spouse leaves you, have a plan if that small business doesn’t work out, and have a plan in place for any of life’s things. Cause life will life.
I’m passionate about my life at the beach. I must go to the beach at least twice a year. I have to have that sound and that feel for me to reset. I don’t even care if it’s winter I will still sit bundled up just to hear the waves crashing just to have that peace even for 10 min. I will drive for that and I’m very passionate about going yearly to one. I also want to live and retire near a beach so I’m working on that too.
I’m passionate about food. Y’all can have your purses, shoes, and expensive cars. I want good food and will pay good money for the best. Yes, that includes Kerrygold butter and organic fruits (although I think some organic fruits aren’t organic we will save that topic for another time) I am a food name brand hoe. I will pay for the best eggs, the best flour, the best grits (I have mine shipped in), the best oils, the best pasta, etc. What we put into our bodies matters just as much as makeup. I also won’t eat anywhere (they have scores in the south) that has a score of less than an A for their restaurant. If it has less than an A I will not eat there.
I’m passionate about photography. I am so passionate that I will do a lot for free or at a deep discount because I love it so much. I charge some coins but it’s also something I love to do and I never want to make it a big business. That is why I call it a lucrative hobby so that I don’t miss the fun of just taking photos. Also, I’ve lost a lot of people and all I have of them are the photos I’ve taken. It means a lot to me to just capture everyday life doesn’t matter if it’s a pic or a video.