Where do you find them? It’s everywhere but here are my top spots to find ideas
The comment section of Instagram. People put up posts but the real tea is in the comments. Dive into the comments of your favorite Instagram person and see what other people want to know.
The News app on Apple. I am an android gal but I do have apple products for business. The news app has a ton of content that you can use and remix to fit your brand and business. You can save your favorites too.
BuzzSumo is a great spot. It’s expensive but worth it. They have some of the best things popping on the internet. I would only pay for this if you run a marketing company.
Google trends or google news. I set my trends to the US and type stuff in. If you can break your business down into content buckets you can use google to search. For example, if you are a blogger who blogs about parenting, fashion, and food. Just type in food then hit the news link and boom content.
Quora has the questions and you may have the answer. Don’t sleep on this if you want to help people. I’ve gotten tons of ideas from this to do my Kita in the Dark with. (Kita in the dark is a mini live podcast I do on my Instagram stories on Wed nights)
Also ask is a great tool to use. I typed in Atlanta and I can come up with content specifically for Atlanta.
Twitter is my favorite place (also newsletters from others). I got this idea for this post off of twitter and made it my own. Like your favorites and come back to them. Don’t steal word for word just make it fit who you are.
Know some more places? Share below
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