Start a business today for 0 dollars

Start a business today for 0 dollars

It’s hard out here for a pimp. We are trying to make things work but everything is going up and we need extra funds. I know most people say we have 5 to 7 businesses but if we have kids or no help that’s hard to do. I have 2 side businesses plus a full-time job and y’all I’m tired so if you are looking to start a side hustle and you don’t have any extra money to start it let me tell you a few secrets that can help you start a business today for 0 dollars.

Start a need. Not all businesses can operate like this but something small scale like let’s say cleaning someone’s house you can start that with 0 dollars. You have a vacuum and cleaning supplies already (maybe y’all are nasty and you don’t) offer to clean someone’s house who may be looking to get their house clean and start with that. Put yourself out there and tell folks that love to clean and people will hire you for the services. I know I need a handyman. If you are good with tools and can do simple stuff offer that service and niche it down to single moms…you will be up and running within a month.

Barter. I know folks don’t want to do this but it’s a great way to get some clients under your belt with real reviews. I started doing photography by bartering my photography skills to others. I need to build my gallery but didn’t want to do things all the way for free. I bartered my skills for almost 6 months and gained clients some of whom I still have 5 years later.

Get a part-time gig. I know we said 0 dollars but hear me out. If you take that part-time gig and fund your business while keeping your savings or emergency funds untouched…do that. Let’s say you want to start a baking company. Do Uber eats for a good month and then get a credit card. Take the credit card and buy things you need then take the uber eats money and pay that off monthly. You don’t buy anything you can’t pay off which creates a 0 balance.

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