With everything going on in the world, it can be hard to know which way to turn when it comes to internet safety for your kids. Yes, of course, there are parental controls and companies that offer in-depth monitoring systems so you can be sure your child stays safe online, but as technology is refined, the dangers can extend outside the scope of the internet. This is why Ai technology safety tips for teens are now more important than ever.
Ai technology is currently a hot-button issue the world over. Is it doing too much? Has it gone too far? The repercussions vs. benefits of artificial intelligence are continually debated. One thing is certain though, Ai technology designed to make life easier can pose a threat to our kids. If you’re wondering how to keep your kids safe when dealing with artificial intelligence, here are some ways to do just that:
Virtual kidnapping scams are real
It can seem like a horrific and very real call; scammers access your child’s voice via their social media posts and call you, using Ai to have your “child” tell you that they need help, have been kidnapped, or are in trouble in some way. Often the scammers replicate crying and sobbing, ultimately freaking out parents who are willing to do anything to keep their child safe; including sending hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is the point of this scam
Ai Technology Safety Tips for Teens
Experts advise parents and their kids to become aware of this “cloned voices” scam because families across the country are losing an average of $10,000 through these fake kidnapping scams. They suggest having a password you can request the scammer ask the child, so you know it is really them. While the “kidnapper” will tell you not to call the police, try to get someone else in the home or nearby, to call your child to first ensure they’re ok, then call 911 on a separate phone to keep the scammer on the line. And of course, never give out financial information to a stranger on the phone.
Remind your teens not to share suggestive photos with people on the internet
No parent wants to think of their child engaging in sexually explicit activities ever, either in real life or on their devices, but it’s important to talk with your kids about the seriousness of exchanging photos online. But beyond that, even simple photos can be used suggestively. Ai technology makes it easy to create “deep fakes” with innocent photos. For example, a user could take your child’s face and put it on pornographic videos or images. This happens far too often in cyber-bullying situations. It has sadly been the catalyst for self-harm and suicide among young people. Make sure your teens know that you’re a safe space and that they can come to you – without judgment – if they’ve gotten caught up in something they’re embarrassed by or uncomfortable with, especially if they’re being threatened in some way.
ChatGPT Ai Technology is helpful until it’s not
Finally, warn your teen of the dangers of using ChatGPT inappropriately, especially when doing schoolwork. There is a fine line between getting homework help and submitting plagiarised content. ChatGPT may not seem like it is plagiarized content. But, you have to remind your child that the computer isn’t just pulling that information from its brain. It’s scouring websites, blogs, medical journals, newspapers, and other resources. It pulls relevant information that is asked and compiles it in a cohesive way. It is smart enough to make it sound like a real human wrote it. Schools are cracking down on the use of Ai technology. Because of this, it’s important that your child knows how to use it properly. It could mean the difference between furthering their education or becoming expelled for an avoidable mistake.
Safety on the internet for teens, in this day and age seems more difficult as the days go by. Be sure to keep those lines of communication open. Make sure you stay on top of the news, current events, and popular culture. This will go a long way toward keeping them safe.