storms of life

Always be ready for the storms of life

If you stay ready you never have to get ready. Here is how I stay ready for life’s ups and downs and the storms that may come.

Keep another way to cook in your backyard. If you have an electric stove have a gas grill or charcoal.

Buy water and toilet tissue every time you grocery shop even if you don’t need it

Keep 2 bags of ice in your freezer in case you lose power you can fill up a cooler with your meats so you can keep it cool while you figure out how to cook it

Have a gas can in your garage with extra gas and refresh it every 2 months

Buy canned goods and keep it.

Have cash on you at all times. Also, have a savings account and an emergency account put at least 20 bucks in each every time you get paid. Make it a habit and start small

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  • Lowanda J
    October 5, 2022

    Very helpful tips! Thanks for sharing.