Not married or accomplished in your career by the time you’re 30? Fail. Still not a mother by the time you’re 35? Sis, you’ve failed. Still haven’t purchased your first home by the time you’re 40? Damn, sis life is really kicking your ass, huh? Lists including the top 25 under 25 or 30 under 30 most accomplished in their fields aren’t helpful either. I mean, most of us are just getting the hang of this adulting thing after 30. Who has it all figured out by 25, anyway? These constant reminders would make anyone feel like their behind in life.
You are not behind in life. You are right on time for the life you are supposed to live. God makes no mistakes and you are right where you need to be. < read this again and again until you believe it. Imposter syndrome is real. It’ll have you second-guessing your abilities or on the verge of quitting before even starting anything out of fear and your deepest insecurities. There are no rules for getting it perfectly right. We all have our individual journeys meant to take us on the path to finding our purpose and executing in the time and fashion that we need to. No Forbes list can dictate destiny.
Are you still healthy? Woke up this morning and able to do what you couldn’t do yesterday? Then guess what, you’re doing better than many.
Want to acquire a new skill? Move up in your career/field/passions? Google it! Learn as much about it and discover what the most successful people in those areas have done to get there.
Single? Date, date, and date. I propose dating like you’re networking. Meet different people from all walks of life who you may discover is a type you didn’t consider. You may just meet your soul mate
Remember to give yourself grace. You don’t know what you don’t know. The important thing is to move forward. Learn lessons, apply new approaches, and put one foot in front of the other.