I’m back on the 10th with my favorite prompt to do monthly. These are fun questions that make me think and it’s a way to get to know me better. It’s hosted by Marsha and if you want to join in please do. Without further ado here is my April 10 on the 10th for this month.
April’s full moon is the Pink Moon. Tell us about your favorite pink item.
Hmm You know I’ve never loved the color pink. I’m a tomboy it was always too much of it when I was growing up and I didn’t buy my daughter anything pink or at least fully pink for the first year of her life (others did but not me). I do own a fun pink purse that I bought from Amazon that I wear on occasion.
For those of you lucky enough to be born in April, your birthstone is the diamond. Share a bit about your birthstone or about a favorite diamond.
My daughter’s birthday is April 16th so she is a diamond girl. I haven’t bought her any real diamonds and the only one I own is my wedding ring which I have worn on my right hand since the hubs passed away. Maybe for her 16th I’ll buy her a real one.
For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s time to harvest. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to plant. Tell us about your favorite thing to plant (even if you end up killing it).
I kill it all but I planted some roses last year and I thought it would do what it needed to do but it didn’t. I will try again though
William Shakespeare was born in April. Please share a bit about your favorite Shakespearean play, quote, character, or plot.
Romeo and Juliet is the only thing I’ve read from him only because I had to. Oh and Hamlet but I didn’t read that I used the cliff notes to take the test lol
The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970. Tell us if and how you plan to celebrate.
I’m going to try to plant another flower or bush we will try again.
The eclipse will have already happened by April 10th. Share something you did and if you were in the path of totality.
We didn’t see it as it wasn’t in our path but it was hazy and the weather looked weird. I did take some time to just put my feet in the grass though and get grounded with earth.
On April 4th, 1964, the Beatles filled the first five spaces on the American singles chart. Tell us about your favorite Beatles song, even if it wasn’t one of those five.
Let it be. They played it at a funeral when I was little and it has always been my favorite. Sometimes we are always looking for an answer and we just need to sit tight and let it be.
King Henry VIII became king of England on April 21, 1509. Tell us about your favorite of his six wives.
I had to look this one up. I will say Jane she gave him his son so I know he was happy with that.
April’s flowers are the daisy and the sweet pea. Share a little about your birth month flower.
We have two for December Holly and Narcissus. I like Hollys but my favorite flower is always lillies.
The Ford Mustang was unveiled on April 17, 1964. Tell us about your first car.
My son loves Mustangs and as his first car he has one it’s not a top of the line it’s the lowest of the low and doesn’t go vroom vroom but it’s decent. My first car was a Honda Civic 99 it was red. I loved that thing and paid cash for it by feeding the hungry college kids back in the day. I drove that everywhere but got rid of it when I got pregnant I needed the space.
Share some answers to the above questions in the comment section!
The Comments
Marsha Banks
Kita, I always love to read your answers! You make me laugh and you make me think! I planted roses for the first time last year, and they made it through the winter! I’m so happy as those things were not cheap!
Happy birthday to your daughter next week! We bought our granddaughters diamond earrings (diamond chips more like) from Kohls for their first Christmas presents. One has her ears pierced but rarely wears them. The other is afraid to get her ears pierced at all!
I had to chuckle over your Hamlet line…that’s what I probably would have done. And, I do love “Let It Be.” But, there are few Beatles songs I don’t love.
I have a Honda Civic but would love to have a Mustang and go vroom vroom! My dad had two of them so I’ve always loved them.
Thanks for playing along!