I started therapy in June of 2022. I went because I wanted to get over some fears and live a better life.
One of my biggest fears is that I don’t ever want to spend money. It’s a fear of mine because I never had money growing up and now that I can pay my bills on time and save I don’t want to part with it for nada. I don’t want to go on big vacations, I don’t want to spend money on marketing for my business, I don’t even want to buy myself an expensive perfume that I like.
My therapist is a guy btw who cusses just as much as I said this…..
You waste money daily when you eat and shat it out.
Wait a damn min….. he’s right. I eat an expensive meal (love steaks) and shat it out. Hibachi food…yep expensive shat it out. Eggs…have y’all seen the price of eggs….shat it out immediately.
I still won’t spend crazy but I did buy that perfume I wanted and I did book an expensive vacation on the beach because you know what. Life is about living and we waste money daily anyway why not live it up plus the perfume lasts longer than the food I eat lol
Have you been to therapy? What lessons has your therapist taught you?
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