I know Spring is almost here but no matter the time of year it’s always a good time to clean up your small business. See what’s working and what’s not. Here are some of the things I do to clean up my business and I do this every 3 months or so.
Go over your goals and set some. My monthly goal is to gain 5 new followers on Instagram for my She Geechee business. I do that by engaging and following others. Create a simple goal that you know you can hit monthly and go over it every time you clean up your business to see what you may have missed.
Check your websites. I know everyone is on social but I don’t do business with anyone who doesn’t have a website. I need to see who you are beyond social media. It helps me see if I want to spend my coins with you. I hate when I go on a website and the links don’t work or the social media button doesn’t work. (if mine doesn’t work let me know in an email at kita@itsreallykita.com) Go over your site at least once every 3 months to see what’s not working or what’s out of date.
Clean up your phone and pics on your computer. I know most of us run our businesses on our phones. Clean out your pics and screenshots or put them in a folder on dropbox. Create some more space and do the same with your files on your computer that you have saved. Clean them out every 3 months to see what you need to keep to let go of.
Clean up your email list. I go through mine every other month. Get rid of people who have never opened up an email and ask questions of your audience as to what they want to see more of.
Clean up social media. Do you really want to follow someone who makes you feel bad? Does someone’s page not resonate with you anymore? Clean it up and get rid of them or at least mute them. Follow people who make you feel good.