We are back with our series where we dive into hot topics, movies, TV shows, social media, articles, and much more. I give my two cents on things and you get to read and if you don’t agree you can keep it moving lol. If you missed last week’s It’s Finally Friday you can check it out here. I hope your week has been going well so far. It’s almost Summer and I’m excited for my sons graduation from high school and getting some much needed rest. I am also looking forward to watching all of my tv shows that I have saved along with my podcasts. Speaking of podcasts today we dive into Black Girl Gone one of my favorite podcasts. Welcome to It’s Finally Friday, April 19th let’s get to it.

I still am not a fan of podcasts but there are a few that hold my attention span for more than 5 min. Black Girl Gone: A True Crime podcast is one of my favorites. One I like murder mysteries I swear I was a detective in my past life. Two I love a podcast dedicated to our women who go missing or are murdered. We need this light shined on us because we simply don’t get that. Listening to this podcast gets people searching, names are dropped to get fresh eyes and you never know who is listening and who can add value in the little things police or others may have missed. She highlights solved murders, missing women, and unsolved things too. Make sure you take a listen and add her to your podcast list.
Top 3 of the week…..
My top 3 murder shows that I love to watch
48 hours – This has been on for a minute. I usually solve 80% of it before the end of the episode.
20/20 – I’ve been watching since Barbara Walters has been on there. My mom watched this religiously and I still watch it to this day.
Dateline – they usually do some of the same shows that 20/20 does but it’s still interesting to watch a different perspective of the same case from another channel.
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It's Finally Friday: April 26th - Kita Bryant
[…] can rest this weekend. If you are new here catch the last It’s Finally Friday from last week here. This week we are going to talk about why so many young folks getting cancer. It’s Finally […]