So Tik Tok really might be banned? I doubt it but make sure you all have your own website, your own newsletter, and diversifying on other platforms. I personally don’t care I’m only on Ticky Tocky as I call it 3 times a week and most people I follow don’t update much so I don’t miss anything. I am mainly on Instagram, my website, and my newsletter. Have your own platform and focus on that. Anywhoo…TGIF I’ve been waiting for Friday all week so I can rest this weekend. If you are new here catch the last It’s Finally Friday from last week here. This week we are going to talk about why so many young folks getting cancer. It’s Finally Friday, April 26th let’s get to it!

It used to be people in their 50s or 60s getting cancer now it’s 20 year olds. What is going on? Everything is cancer hell if you go outside and breathe you might get cancer. I don’t know if it’s the meds, the foods, the air, family diseases, etc. There’s a lot going on with cancer and not only cancer I am hearing so many women having a lot of fibroids these days too. This article talks about cancer cases in younger folks and what they can do to help prevent them. I think screening for cancer should start early even if it’s just through blood work to start off. Knowing your family history is key. You need to know if they have other medical conditions or lifestyle factors that increase their risk of early-onset cancer. Let’s fight to get screening at a younger age and lets work on eating as healthy as we possibly can. I know that some foods may say organic and it may not be try to eat at home, move daily, get some sun on your face, and if doesn’t feel right go to the Dr. and always get a second opinion for anything major.
Top 3 of the week…..
Top 3 Vitamins I take all the time to try and stay healthy
Black Seed oil capsules – I buy from whole foods but Amazon and Target has these also
Sea Moss – My kids side eye me on this one cause it’s new and they don’t like new meds.
Fish Oil – I prefer this brand but any of them will do.
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It's Finally Friday: May 3rd - Kita Bryant
[…] it’s finally Friday, May 3rd. If you missed the last post from our series you can catch it here. This week let’s talk about Mental Health […]