Happy Friday everyone. This week has been busy for me as I’m trying to DIY my home to save money and chile I see why you pay the experts. They charge for their expertise even if it takes them less time to do the job. If you are new here this is my series where we highlight an article, a YouTube channel, a podcast, or anything I want to give my opinion on for the week. This week we are diving into the Superbowl commercials…cetaphil gets a side eye but they made it right. It’s Finally Friday, Feb 16th let’s dive in.

I went to school for Marketing and it’s not as easy as it looks. Sure we can come up with the basic marketing material but you gotta stand out. What makes your brand different than the rest? How can you take a simple product and make it bigger than what it is. Dunkin did a great job with that by using someone who already loved the brand. Cetaphil missed the mark. Someone said on twitter that what they should have done was cast the original Father and daughter who did it, have a campaign leading up to the SuperBowl then on Superbowl night have other fathers and daughters join in on tik tok and go viral at the same time with the product. Genius idea! The one thing I love about Marketing is how I can take a brand and think outside the box with it. That takes time because you can’t just come up with something in a day it’s doable but the best things take time to marinate. Also, don’t miss opportunities that are right there in your face. Oh and stop hiring outside companies to handle your marketing who steal from others.
Top 3 things of the week……..
Top 3 SuperBowl commercials I liked this year
She was relatable in this. I know she is private but she is also a star she gotta talk to people and stop stalking them online (cause she be knowing).
I know y’all put Snapchat down years ago but I am still on there strong. At this time it’s my favorite social media platform. I can be me without the extraness. I get to engage better because it’s a smaller group of people and I love that I know who follows me. It’s just less noisy. Also, the kids are on there don’t get it twisted that’s why they still kicking.
Of course Dunkin…I actually saw a few different Dunkin commercials. I like Dunkin better than Starbucks…don’t come for me that butta pecaan…(I tried to do that in the Boston Accent)
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It's Finally Friday: March 1st - Kita Bryant
[…] accomplish this year before the year ends. If you are new here welcome. It’s Finally Friday is my series where we discuss movies, articles, links, etc with my opinion and my top 3 of the week. This week […]