I am back from vacation and ready to rock and roll. If you are on my newsletter (which you should be) you will see where I went and all the lessons I learned. Signing up to my newsletter is where you get the free stuff like shirts, advice, and even a free photoshoot. You might want to sign up! Anywhoo we are back with my series where I give my opinion on stuff for the week. If you missed any of my other It’s Finally Friday’s make sure you check them out here. It’s Finally Friday: Feb. 28th and we are going to talk OJ Simpson.

I watched the Documentary on Netflix. What messed him up was the gloves and the racist cop. If it wasn’t for those two things he would have been in jail. I was young when I saw that white ford Bronco on tv. I didn’t know who he was at the time but all I saw was a black man running and they didn’t shoot him dead…wow…Amazing. Do I think he did it? I always believed his son who has a mental issue did it. He was there to clean it up and cover for his son. He was there but I never believed he killed them maybe he did but the Jury didn’t think so either. It didn’t matter though because in the end he was nothing without his name and guess what…a name goes a long way. If your name is ruined then yep you are ruined.
Top 3 of the week…..
Top 3 tv shows I’m watching right now
The Pitt – so good and real
Paradise – it started off slow but I kinda dig it
The first 48 – oldie but still a goodie. I think I’m a detective when I watch this show
The Comments
Jessics Voss
I loved reading your take on OJ. I haven’t watched the documentary, but I’ve always been interested in the truth. I’m embarrassed to say that I never knew about the son or any potential role he played. I will definitely watch the documentary now.
So glad you had a good vacation! You always seem to come back refreshed and ready to go!
> Jessics Vossyes. His son had a mental issue and the glove supposedly fit him to a tee.
Jessica Voss
I loved reading your take on OJ. I haven’t watched the documentary, but I’ve always been interested in the truth. I’m embarrassed to say that I never knew about the son or any potential role he played. I will definitely watch the documentary now.
So glad you had a good vacation! You always seem to come back refreshed and ready to go!