2 weeks into the New Year and I’m on a roll. Got so much done while the kids had an extra week out of school. I love that the kids are in school but I also love when I don’t have to go this place and that and can sit at home. I cherish those times. Anywhoo we are back with our series It’s Finally Friday where we share opinions, reviews, and laughs every Friday. We gonna get straight into this Katt Williams unleashed cause babbbyyy he let it loose.

Ole Katt…I like him. I always thought he was funny. In my opinion and remember this is my opinion he is funnier than Kevin Hart. Kevin has moments but Katt is funny as hell. I didn’t know Cedric stole his line but let us be real everything is stolen very few things are original ideas somebody came up with it you might just not know about it. Cedric is just an entertainer he isn’t a comedian to me cause he isn’t that funny. Steve Harvey is funny and Bernie always been funny but yeah not many comedians impress me. Do you know who I do like? I have a crush on him, Nate Jackson look him up on tik tok.
I didn’t watch the entire interview because ain’t nobody got time to watch this for 2hrs my gawd we needed 3 parts to this but the clips that I did see….he let it all out. I believe some of what he says not all but some yep I sure do. Cause Kevin Hart did come out of nowhere. Also, Steve ain’t never been homeless…what? I was shook lol. People will tell you a story (not just Steve) and stick with that story and if it makes people have a heart for you then you run with it but remember when telling your story that folks did know of you back in the day.
Top 3 of the week….
Top 3 comedians that I like
Richard Pryor (my sag brother who had issues but was funny)
Katt Willaims …“You have an unnatural allegiance to losers”
Bernie Mac – May he RIP
Eddie gets a mention he aight but not in my top 3. Share your top 3 comedians below.
The Comments
Dave Chappelle
Chris Rock
Bernie Mac RIP
Honorable mentions:
Patrice O’Neal RIP
Katt Williams
> CamilleChris rock has never been funny to me I’ll take Kevin over him lol he is a good actor though
It's Finally Friday: Jan 19th - Kita Bryant
[…] the week and want to give my two cents on. If you missed last week’s post you can find it here. This week we are talking about sexual abuse so please be warned if anything triggers you do not […]