Last Friday of the month and boom we are in April. What are your plans for Easter? It’s also spring break in my part of the world and we will break by relaxing and enjoying what my own hometown has to offer. If you are new here welcome. It’s Finally Friday is my series that I do every Friday where I give my opinion on stuff. If you missed the last one you can check it out here. It’s Finally Friday March 29th lets talk about this article that Nedra Shared in her latest newsletter about friendship apps.

I am seeing a lot of talk about frienships lately on threads and instagram. Low maintenance friends, people looking for friends, friends who stab you in the back, outgrowing friends, the list goes on. I do know that it’s hard to make friends as we get older. For me I’m set in my ways and I know that I don’t want to open up to folks because I’ve never been hurt on a friendship level and I don’t plan on getting hurt or losing a friend either so I’m wary. I also understand that in life you need people. Nedra shared an article about how to use apps to make friends. One of the things that stuck out to me is to be specific about your goals. Sometimes you may not want a friend maybe you need a workout buddy or a business bestie or another mom who has teens so you can swap stories. Finding things in common is a good start and even if you don’t become friends you can always learn a thing or two. Would you use an app to make friends?
Top 3 of the week……
3 ways to find friends without using an app
Joining in with other parents through your kids. My daughter is a social butterfly and with that comes her friends parents. Since we have to take them everywhere we get to meet and talk a lot. Now you may not vibe with all the parents but if your child has about 7 friends you will vibe with at least 3 out of the 7 and you can go from there.
Getting to know your neighbor. Now I’m going to say be careful with this because if you have a falling out and you have to live next to each other it’s going to be a pain in the ass but its a great way to befriend folks. My neighborhood has a facebook group and sometimes you can strike up convo in there also the nextdoor neighbor app has lots of community events you can attend to get to know others in your area.
Going to events. Eventbrite has all the events in your area. Pick one to go to monthly and don’t have any expectations. Just go with an open mind and see what happens.
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It's Finally Friday: April 12th - Kita Bryant
[…] going on in the world, etc. If you missed the last It’s Finally Friday you can check it out here. Without further ado let’s get into this week’s topic…Quiet on the Set. […]