Alarms go off today because my kids have no school next week. It’s a busy week for me though because I have some family photoshoots to knock out cause money doesn’t stop around here but it will be a chill week. If you are new here welcome….I do this every Friday where I give my opinion on a topic, movie, or whatever. If you missed last week here it is. We will be missing in action next week as it’s a break for me so I typically stay off of social as much as I can because we all need a break sometimes so this post will be all about Thanksgiving Food. It’s Finally Friday Nov 17th.

So I don’t eat Turkey, Greens, Stuffing, or sweet potato pie. Yes, I’m black. Go ahead, judge……
With that being said I grew up with my mom cooking the traditional stuff but once I was on my own I did my own thing. My hubs would go over to his family house while I cooked my own meals at home because he swore something was wrong with me lol. Every year I usually do a theme. One year I do Mexican, another Italian, another soul food, etc. I always pick a theme and then we cook based on that theme. This year the theme is Hibachi. I have one of those blackstone grills and I will be doing the steak, chicken, and shrimp on there with the rice (use day-old rice) and a salad + we will attempt to make the soup. I will be doing some type of cake and we will call it a day. I have to work my regular job on that day as my job is 24hrs a day so we are keeping it simple. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! (some links include affiliates)
Top 3 of the week
My top 3 favorite Desserts I make on Thanksgiving
Apple Pie – I have my own recipe but this one comes in pretty decent. I also do not make my own crust…who got time for that.
Baked Candy Yams – My kids just started eating this. I prefer this over sweet potato pie.
Cheesecake – I always make them during the holidays. This year I bought them locally from a spot in Atlanta.
The Comments
It's Finally Friday: Dec 1st - Kita Bryant
[…] you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday. If you are new here make sure you check out my last It’s Finally Friday post. This is where I break down an article, a youtube channel, movie, etc. and give my opinion on […]