It’s Friday and I want so badly to put the slams laptop down graphic up on my Instagram every Friday but I can’t because I work my regular job on Saturdays so I can’t slam my laptop down and every time I see it I get mad just for a second though then I get over it cause a bish gotta work no matter the days of the week. I’m glad it’s Friday though if you are new here welcome to it’s finally Friday, October 20th. We do this series every Friday (unless I’m on vacation) where I give my thoughts on a hot topic, a movie review, or an article. This week let’s dive into how working people live in their cars and what I would like to see done differently.

I saw this article the other day and I am not shocked. I was having a conversation with a friend right before I saw the article and we were saying how are people making it? Everything is high due to inflation and some folks seem to be doing good and some of us aren’t. I myself have had to cut bills and dial down some on things because it’s tough out here. I don’t want to put everything on a CC either because that interest ain’t cute when you can’t pay that off after you buy something. I don’t want to pay extra for nada.
Rent is high and you can’t get help because the threshold for getting help is low so a lot of people are in the middle. I was like this a few years ago where we could pay our rent but didn’t have enough left over for food or gas. We applied for foodstamps and we were 5 bucks over the income for that. Five dollars let that sink in……. I think the 3 times the rent thing should be voided for right now. As long as people can prove they have a job and been on that job for 90 days give them a chance. If they don’t pay put them out but my gawd give people a chance so they don’t have to live in their cars. If inflation goes up so does that threshold to help people with foodstamps. Allow people with kids especially small kids get foodstamp. If you don’t have kids then you shouldn’t be on it if you aren’t disabled. This is ridiculous and don’t get me started on the car notes themselves. For a new car these days even with good credit you looking at about 400 a month unless you got a good down payment. I’m sick of this and I wish the government would do more to help. What do you think should be done? Sound off in the comments.
Today’s top 3…..
Ways to save money
- Call your bills and see what you can do to get them reduced or make them take some things off. I called T-Mobile because I paid over 300 for 4 phones. They were able to find me a deal and took over 60 bucks off. Do the same with your internet bill and any other bill you can negotiate
- Small bills add up. Do you truly know what small things are taking out of your account? Go through them and cancel if you don’t use it
- Stay home. No for real you don’t have to go out to have fun. My friends and I get together with their kids and we do movie night at the house. We cook and have a cooking contest and get to save money on gas and going out. Outside expensive…cut down on that and stay in the house you work for more unless you got it like that to be out then, by all means, be out lol.
The Comments
I like your idea about eliminating the 3x the rent threshold. 90 days on a job sounds like a much more reasonable plan, too, especially if someone is renting.
This summer, I applied for food assistance for my big ol’ family of 8 and got denied. Smh Same reason you got denied– we just a few dollars over. Not even by $100. Smh
We bake and do our own home cooking. And honestly, there’s a plus side to this. It’s helped me learn how to buy only the foods we absolutely need for the week. My husband and I are also learning how to cook copy cat restaurant recipes.
When we need clothes, I shop second-hand, except for certain things like quality shoes and winter gear.
But I was smart this year! I bought my kids GOOD winter coats in the spring when it was 50% – 75% off during tax refund time. 🙌🏾😆
It gets so damn cold in Michigan, so now they have good coats for this coming winter!
And I feel you on saving money and staying home!
I do go out sometimes, but I go to a lot of free events or I have a media pass (for my blog). Lol 🤭
But I did cut back on the frequency. I used to go almost every weekend. I don’t do that anymore to conserve gas.💜
> Jenniferright cause smoe people can pay or find a way especially if they don’t want to live on the streets. I did an experiment and eating out has been cheaper for some things actually and that’s not good. My mom used to buy me things off season I need to go back to that
It's Finally Friday: October 27th - Kita Bryant
[…] I want to with my opinion. If you missed last week’s It’s Finally Friday check it out here. This week let’s get into the biggest issues facing entrepreneurs. It’s Finally Friday, […]