It's Finally Friday: Sept. 27th

It’s Finally Friday: Sept. 27th

It’s Friday and a rainy and stormy one in Atlanta (I’m 45 min from Atlanta but still Atlanta whatever). I hope and pray all of you are safe during this storm. As someone who has been through a few hurricanes I am always prepared. If you are new here welcome this is a series I started earlier this year to celebrate the fact that it’s Friday and also to give my opinion on movies, books, articles, and more. You can see the last It’s Finally Friday post here. With that being said it’s Finally Friday: Sept. 27th this week let’s talk about Marcellus Williams.

It's Finally Friday September 27th

I didn’t hear about this case (I do not watch the news at all and try to limit my time on social media) until maybe the day before they were set to execute him. I went down the rabbit hole of Tik Tok to discover more and learn who he was and what was he accused of. I wasn’t there so let me start off by saying I don’t know if he did it or not that’s between him and God but I can tell you this…the death penalty should also be between him and God. I do not support the death penalty. Sorry for those who agree with it, that’s your business. I do believe people should get life in prison and never see the light of day. I also agree that the victim’s family should be able to stone the person (I’m keeping it real) too but to kill…that’s not for me to say. That person could have had a mental issue, they could have done it out of fear, or they may not have done it at all. I do agree that some people are evil too but again that’s not for us to judge.

May he rest in peace and I hope that the family continues to fight for justice if he is innocent it will come out.

My top 3 of the week…..

Top 3 states I would never live in (never is a strong word but we will use it)

Mississippi – I don’t think so. Nothing could make me move down there. I’m sure its nice and I know the food is probably good as hell but it’s a no for me.

Florida – I don’t even want to visit there but they have beaches and Disney. I’ll visit but to live…nah I can’t do that either.

West Virginia – I’ve never been but I don’t think I want to visit. Seems….I don’t know what word to use but it’s a no for me.

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