One summer many many years ago probably late 90s I was in high school and they had a Summer reading program at the local library. The person who read the most books won money. I read over 200 books that Summer. The lady didn’t believe me so she started picking random books from the list and I gave a summary of each one of em chile don’t play with me. I have always been a reader. I slacked lately because of my schedule but my goal is to read at least one book a month. The answers to a lot of things le in a book. I have no favorite genre I just love a good read. I’ve been highlighting my favorite youtubers, my favorite photographers, and now my favorite black authors.
I want to start off with some authors that may not be well known to you but I know them and have met them personally.
I call her Author DNC – She takes Romance to a new level. Trust me when I say you will love her writing and it thinks outside the box of your reg romance novels.
Christina – her books are all good and if you love romance you should check her out.
We might as well stay on romance and do Beverly Jenkins. One of my old-school favorites.
Toni Morrison – Sula was the first book that I read that introduced me to this author.
Tara Stringfellow – Can’t wait to read her new book it’s on my list.
Alyssa Cole – I just discovered her the other day….love a good thriller.
Morgan Parker – You get what you pay for is also on my list. Excellent writer.
Erica Alcox – I actually know an author y’all. This one relates to me because she is from my hometown. Make sure you grab a copy you will be like whaaaaaaa
Of course, the list can go on and on but I wanted to highlight just a few. I hope to be added to this list later this year by writing my first book…y’all wish me luck.